View Full Version : coming off citalopram and test anxiety

01-25-2010, 11:42 AM
Two topics I would like to talk about.
I am a college student.

I am coming off citalopram after 2 years use. Was on it for anxiety. I was prescribed alprazolam for withdrawal. I was at 60mg daily. I started coming off last week. Now at 20mg. What kind of withdrawal symptoms should I expect? Sitting in class right now feeling anxious and a little edgy.


I have horrid test anxiety. I take lorazapam, ativan, for it. But lately I don't think its working anymore. I don't take it a lot. What else can I try? Alpraz makes me drowsy. What about clonazapam? Excuse my medical spelling mistakes lol.

I typed this on my phone so excuse spelling mistakes.