View Full Version : My life with what I believe to be anxiety.

01-23-2010, 10:25 AM
Let me start off by saying I am a 26 year old male. It all began about 3 years ago. One night I began to feel really odd and very confused. I felt like I was dying and that the world was crashing down on me. I drove myself to the ER, fearing I was having a heart attack. They ran a bunch of tests, including a CT of my head. Doctor came over and told me nothing was wrong. This suprised me, because I felt like I was dying. That was three years ago and here I am today, still "dealing" with it. They come and go. I might have weeks without it, but then it pops up again. My anxiety mainly manifests itself in panic attacks. Lately they haven gotten so bad that it is affecting my day to day life. I currently on wellbutrin, I believe it makes them worse. Going to see a psych next week. Anything I should know?

01-23-2010, 12:49 PM
I forgot to talk about how I feel. Ever since that initial attack, I have never been the same. I walk around day to day wondering when it will strike again. It is very hard to think. Feels like I have a filter between myself and reality. The best way to explain how I feel when having a panic attack is that I my brains feels like an overloaded computer and it is goin to crash at any moment. What helps me the best is to tell myself that no one had ever died from a panic attack and that everything is going to be okay within the hour. It helps to lay down and relax. Does anyone have suggestions on medication? I may sound petty, but I want something that does not have the sexual side effects. Hence, why I am on wellbutrin. Would anyone recommend Buspar?

01-23-2010, 01:29 PM
The psych will help guide you. I have taken Buspar in the past, it really didn't seem to help. My psych (not the dr. who prescribed it) told me i might as well throw it away. But everyone is different. I'm on my 2nd week with Zoloft right now, but it is known to cause sexual side effects. My sex drive is pretty low anyway, so i guess it won't matter!
I do like you when i'm having an attack, tell myself it's just the stupid anxiety and it won't kill me, it'll be alright. Deep breathing can help.