View Full Version : I'm really going crazy here, I need help.

I MedusaX I
01-14-2010, 11:33 PM
I suffer from severe Alcoholism, Severe Social Anxiety Disorder, GAD, and a little depression. One Psych even said I could possibly have Paranoia Disorder. Here is a rundown on the medications I was on.

1) Trazadone and Paxil then...

2) Trazadone, Paxil and Abilify then...

3) Vistril, Paxil, Buspar and Abilify then....
-At this point, the Paxil was 30mg and the Abilify was 10mg.

I went to rehab for Alcoholism then...

4) Paxil, Abilify, Valium
Yes, a rehab facility prescribed me Valium not for detoxing, but to treat
my anxiety and wrote me a script for it to take home. I was on 40mg Paxil, 30mg Abilify, 30mg Valium (throughout the day).

Got out of rehab and stopped drinking then....

5) Abilify, Valium, and Prozac
-The Abilify increased again to 40mg/day, OVER the reccomended maximum dose, the Valium remained the same and Prozac was at 40mg.

Then I relapsed into a drinking binge and admitted myself into a Psych unit. They had me on....

6) Haldol, Seroquil, Paxil, Ativan
-At this point I was taking Haldol 3 times a day, Seroquil was 300mg, Paxil was 40mg, and Ativan was 6mg. Oh yeah, they also tried Neurontin, and Depokote at very high doses. then when I left I saw another doctor...

He said my prescriptions have been crazy and he is suprised I haven't gotten severe brain damage from this. So he prescribed me...

7) 1mg Klonopin 3 times a day, 40 miligrams Paxil, and 20 Abilify.
-This combination seemed to work, but then I got careless and drank again whle taking Klonopins and crashed my car.


So here is my concern and this is what I need help with. My social anxiety is so bad that I can't even go into a shopping center to get food or clothes. I rarely leave because I'm too scared to go anywhere. On top of that, when I am forced into a social situation, I start to panic and I begin to sweat, shake, I can't speak, my heart feels like its going to beat out of my chest. On top of that, my re-occuring thoughts get to me too. After "said" incident, I can't quit thinking about what just happened and what these people think about me and who is plotting against me. Its really scary and I hate feeling this way. I don't even answer the phone. I have absolutely NO friends now because of this. I want to go back on medication and currently I am only prescribed 1mg ativan PRN. My doc gave me 15 pills on the 4th and its the 14th now and I have 9 left. At the same time, I've only left home once. What would be the best combination of meds for me in your guys opinion and knowledge? My docs screwed me up more than they helped me. Here is what I "liked"

Paxil - Helped wonders with my anxiety at 30-40mg, but the sexual side effects were horrible, absolutely horrible.

Ativan 1-2mg PRN - Helps when I have to go into a store. It doesn't give me any "euphoric effect" but I am calm. However, after the affects wear off, I'm extremely tired and I continue to have re-occuring thoughts about my social interactions.

Klonopin - When I was prescribed the Klonopin, It helped with my anxiety much longer than Ativan, but I would sometimes have to double the dose in extreme situations to 2mg to feel "normal".

I refuse to take Xanax because it is the most addictive of the benzos because of the shorter half life, let alone I am a sober alcoholic, but this could be dangerous, any benzo for that matter, Xanax just being the worst. MAOIs, Antipsychotics, anything in the "stimulants or upper" categories. So please, any suggestions? I'm so tired of this. Oh I also see a shrink for Drug and Alcohol, and a shrink for my anxiety.

01-15-2010, 09:36 AM
I, also, take Paxil (40mg) and Clonazepam (2mg). I have found this to be the best combo for me. I also take 100mg of Trazodone to help me sleep.

I am also a recovering alcoholic, so I know what you are going through. I would drink to rid myself of anxiety, then the next morning, I would be a nervous wreck! Quite a rollercoaster.

I've never tried Lexapro, but hear it is also good for anxiety. It's really one of the only ones (SSRI/SNRI's) I haven't tried.

I still have good days and bad days, but I accept that I may never be 100%.

Hope this helps!

I MedusaX I
01-18-2010, 12:41 PM
So I went to the doctor today and made a decision to go on Effexor 37.5 mg for 1 week, then increase to 75mg for 3 weeks, then possibly go up to 150mg after 1 month. I was also prescribed Klonopin 1 mg PRN, 30 pills monthly. I told him that I needed something longer acting than Ativan, but I didn't want to routinely take a benzo and I also said to him that no matter what I say or how anxious I get, DO NOT prescribe me a higher dose or increase my frequency of the Klonopin. Addictive personality sucks because I may very well need the Klonopin more frequently or at a higher dose, but I don't want to take that risk. So hopefully this will work!

I MedusaX I
03-15-2010, 05:44 PM
Okay so I finally got to see a Psychiatrist that I like. In conjunction with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and D/A conseling, the meds I am taking seem to be helping. My Psychiatrist has given me a diagnosis. Finally it makes sense!
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, Major Depressive Disorder, and Alcoholism.

I am taking:
Klonopin 1mg twice a day
Wellbutrin 100mg in morning (could be increased)
Geodon 60mg twice a day (this stuff is ROUGH. I can barely manage it!)
Ambien at bed time (DO NOT TAKE WITH GEODON!)

So far so good, but the Geodon is horrible. The side effects are way too strong and I don't know if I can take it. I'll try it for a month, but if these side effects continue, I am going on something else, or stopping an anti-psychotic medication all together. The side effects are SEVERE sedation to the point where I can barely move, feeling DRUNK in the morning for about 2 hours, and other misc effects.

03-20-2010, 03:30 PM
Hey, I am also an alcoholic, with severed GAD. I take 4mg of clonazepam (klonapin) to help me sleep and stop my tremors and ear ringing. Problem is it is not working after 4 years and 4mg is a fairly high dosage which puts me in a coma half the day. any recommendations on what meds you all found helpful to ease severe anxiety.

07-26-2010, 08:37 AM
Thirteen is a crazy, stressful age. Most kids who hit thirteen end up withstanding some pretty bad feelings. In your case, the self-injury and thoughts of suicide are really distressing.Feel free to contact us if you need to.

08-14-2010, 12:57 AM
The information you have shared is really nice that shows that you have accepted that from thirteen you have been alcoholic and it is not good thing. You should try to drop drinking and for that you can take help from your family or friends. You should spend more time with your family and friends so that you will not remember it.

08-23-2010, 02:56 AM
Very simple...follow your doctor's instructions. Doctor is the only person who knows your condition and prescribe the medications. Do not take or change any medication without consulting your doctor. By the way, you can buy any generic medicine at eMedOutlet with 15% discount coupon 5234E and Free Shipping with 4848B.