03-13-2006, 09:21 AM
Hey everyone, I am a 26 yr old woman and very new to this. Alittle insight to where i'm coming from is about 2 years ago I got sick with a middle ear infection that caused a body virus which caused vertigo. I was put on meds and was on them for about year and a half. I was housebound for 3 months and sick for 2 years. I slowly overcame that and was back to somewhat normal. Last week I had a touch of the flu and something triggered during that time that made me go backwards instead of forward. I feel as if I am beginning to go back to how I was. I can go out for a walk and feel fine but as soon as I think about going certain places and taking along time to get there I begin to worry and begin saying "what if" statements (which I know is not a good thing). I tend to worry too much and at times im scared to lose absolute control over my emotions. I'm not sure what to do to get back to taking control over my own life again. Pleeeeeease help! :?