View Full Version : Anxiety about flu mist!

01-06-2010, 10:49 PM
Hi all,

I have pretty bad anxiety, panic attacks happen quite often, and I've been diagnosed with having GAD. A little more than a week ago(Monday) I got a flumist vaccination and when I got home(being the hypochondriac that I am) I looked up side effects that the mist might cause, which include weakness in legs, tingling and numbness, persistent headache. Since then, I've almost been convincing myself that I have these symptoms, and when I'm laying down, most especially at night, it'll feel like my legs are vibrating, and then I'll sit up and start panicking that I'm about to lose control of my legs and that I'll go into paralysis or whatever, its terrible. Has anyone gotten this from either the mist because of anxiety, or have a situation relating to this, where they psyched themselves out to the point of actually having those symptoms? Because lately its all I've been thinking about and it's been preeetty bad. Glad to have joined this forum!

01-09-2010, 08:29 AM
I think this is very common when you have anxiety, you worry about everything, and one of the things people worry about is the meds they get put on. Its not so unreasonable though. i recently got put on meds for a pain in my elbow, anti-inflammatory, and i made the mistake of reading the leaflet that came with it, telling me that this med could cause strokes and heart failure to name but a few. course common sense should have told me that these risks are probably more to do with the elderly taking these meds for arthritic conditions, but the seed was planted in my anxiety mind and i think i took one because i was too afraid to take any other. Being afraid of meds is all part of it i think. Im on a very small dose of propronol (i think thats how you spell it,) and im constantly worried about my heart going too slow because i read it could be a side effect, so you aren't on your own :)

01-09-2010, 04:25 PM
Hiya, im quite similar to you. i actually had to get reassured off my doc that my heart wouldnt stop through taking beta blockers as they slow your heart down and i think he basically thought i was being stupid.
im that bad of a hypacondriac that i wont read magazine articles about people with medical issues as i end up feeling like i am getting the same symptoms.