View Full Version : Not having a good time

12-28-2009, 04:35 PM

Well for the past few days I have been suffering pretty bad, I keep having pains in my chest which lead to my back and left arm and under my arm pit, My breathing is not to good I can be sitting there and suddenly I take a deep breathe as if I am having one of those dreams where I am falling and I suddenly awake, I feel dizzy and hot most the time and the fear it is my heart because this is where alot of the pains are. The attacks can last upto half the day.

I have been for ECG's and cardiograms and they all came back fine, the doctors kept telling me it was anxiety but I just never thought I was the type of person to suffer with it I have alwasy been a strong and independent person but now I spend half my time feeling scared that I am going to die.

I can move my left arm and feel the musles in my chest hurt and have shooting pains all on the lft side.... Is this anxiety does it sound like it??? I hate going bed I am convinced i am never going to wake up and it is such a scarey feeling, I just hate living in fear all the time.

Thanks for anyone who is able to offer any advice or can even tell me if this sounds like anxiety, any help will do, Thank you :)

12-29-2009, 11:40 AM
Rest assured - your symptoms can definitely be attributed to anxiety. My dad, sister and I have all had episodes where we had chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, etc. and have rushed to the hospital thinking we were having heart attacks or some other cardiac problem. All of us checked out fine, and were told that anxiety could cause each of these symptoms.

The important thing to keep in mind is that it sounds as though you have had a thorough work-up, and the docs haven't been able to find any serious physical problem. You may have a relatively minor physical issue - like a muscle pull in your chest, or heartburn or something - and your mind/body has convinced you it is something much worse, leading to the shortness of breath, feelings of depersonalization (i.e., the falling/dizziness), etc. Or anxiety can cause all these issues with no underlying physical issue whatsoever. And what's even stranger is that you can have all these physical manifestations of anxiety without even realizing that you are anxious.

It wouldn't shock me if this was the first time you encountered anxiety. My dad had his first "panic attack" when he was in his 50s. It can pop up at any time.

I would be open and honest about your physical symptoms - and your worry that something serious is going on undetected - with your doctor and with the people that love you. First, your doc can obviously diagnose you if you have a legit health issue that needs to be treated. Second, both he and your friends/family can offer reassurance; it's terrible to suffer alone.

Finally, if it is anxiety, ask your doctor about seeing a specialist. There are professionals that can help treat anxiety with coping strategies, counseling, medications, etc. And, I'd ask your doctor if he feels you are healthy enough to exercise. Nothing dispels fear that something is wrong with your heart better than a couple of good workouts; plus, over the long haul (in my own personal experience) exercise decreases anxiety and makes you just feel healthy.

Hope this rambling helps. If you have any other questions for somebody who has suffered from anxiety for quite some time just let me know.[/i]

01-03-2010, 07:58 AM
It sure sounds like anxiety symptoms. It feels terrible and is tough to go through, best thing is to tell youself "so what" it's only anxiety, and there is nothing medically wrong with you (knowing your EKG was fine). I myslef have had plenty of tests done (MRI, blood tests, EKG and other) and all came back okay.
Good luck