View Full Version : Body movement - Does anyone else experience this?

12-21-2009, 01:38 PM
Hi all,

I have been told by 2 doctors and a neurologist i have GAD and for the past 5 weeks been on Lexapro. This has helped alot and taken away all the emotion and some symptoms i was suffering with.

I thought i was beating this horrrible disorder until last week when my sleeping issues became worse. Throughout the day I sometimes seem light headed and like i am going to pass out.

The past few nights i've been having funny body movement and jolts. When laying in bed one of my fingers will involuntarily move. Then a few minutes later i'll get a jolt in my arm followed by jolt in my stomach. Then something else will happen. It continues for hours before i get to sleep. I feel like i'm also going to pass out or fit in my head whilst trying to sleep. I try to use some strategies i have learnt from my psychologist but nothing seems to work.

Is this a side effect of lexapro?
Has anyone else experienced this? It is pretty scary.
Look forward to hearing from you.

I hope everyone has a merry christmas.

12-22-2009, 02:37 AM
Twitches and spasms can either be the result of anxiety disorder OR side effects to antidepressants like Lexapro. It is difficult to say which is at fault here. But side effects are a distinct possibility if this was never before a problem.