View Full Version : finally i took my meds
03-11-2006, 08:11 AM
i finally got the guts to take my meds(5mg. of prozac) and i had no side effects i thought i did but i was just having a panic attack about taking the anxiety has been through the roof lately mostly just the unreality thing...for the past week i have thought i have been living in a dream and i hate it and i keep thinking that i feel this way because of the meds or that im unknowingly takin drugs and thats why i feel so wierd and dreamlike anyone else ever think that or had the dream thing for this long im sure ive asked it before but i just need some reassurance...thanx casey
03-11-2006, 01:44 PM
hey case long time no see probably the biggest reason you can't let this derealization thing is because thats your biggest worry just keep sayin to yourself i know whats real and what isn't that was my biggest symptom for the longest becausei just couldn't stop thinking bout but i kept teling myself i know whats real i always have and slowly it finally went away i've been dereal free for about 3months now and panic free for about the same u can do it man it will get better i know i can't say stop worrying because its not that easy i understand i still worry but i just self talk bout the good things and i get through i went through the whole meds things tried like v4 different ones and told the doc they weren't for me because i did get horrible anxiety just by taking them so i said i'm gonna beat this without meds and i'm doing so as we speak in the last 2weeks i've had about 10normal days its been great you just gotta keep your head and if you think the meds are making it worse don't take them call the doc and dicusse sumthing else its your body you know whats best for it but keep your head up it wilkl pass i promise
03-13-2006, 09:13 AM
wat up leftie glad to hear ur doin well bro that kicks ass. thanx for replying helps to hear some reassuring words im sure this shit will pass just really sucks and is mad wierd. im def not gonna take the meds i dont really like having anything like that in my system just makes me worry and have worse anxiety so i think im gonna try the root that u have taken and just say fuck off anxiety and not let it control my life it might take a while but im gonna try. Have u ever heard of the Linden Method or know anyone thats tried it cuz it sounds pretty good but i keep thinkin that if i try it its gonna brain wash me and im gonna have even worse derealization i know its stupid but i keep thinking that well take it easy bro ttyl - Casey
03-13-2006, 01:30 PM
hey man i've neva herd of the linden method i have heard of lucinda bassetts program i dunno tho tv commercial but i've heard on hear itdid help some my route has just been simple keep telling myself i neva worried bout all this crap before anxeity not once so it doesn't matter now over and over and u finally getto the point were u don't have to worry also i've tried to face my fears head on i have or had a fear of hurting someone with no control over myself so even tho i don't like it i'vebeen watching movies were people die and it just makes it so your not so worked up thnking bout but my choice for no meds was a good one i think i had the same problem it always brought on more anxiety than it cured so i said fuck it i'm gonna do it my way the doc gave me a presrib of klonipins which i rarely take because i don't really need but good feeling to know if i do they are there i really hope you conquer and finally get to a good place keepfightng man keep in touch
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