View Full Version : anybody else have this problem?

03-10-2006, 05:10 AM
I was wondering if anybody else has this problem. I am constantly worried about my heart. At times it seems irrational but for the past few months i have worried constantly that i am going to have a heart attack and suddenly die. This pretty much started when My dad got this thing in the mail saying that a person in his family was diagnosed with this heart desease called hcm which can cause sudden death at a young age and they wanted to take a dna sample to see if he had this and for reserch purposes. I guess one of his cousins or uncles or something had this. I dont even know one person out of any of my uncles aunts or grandparents that has had a heart attack and my dad says that the test results were negative for him. But now i cant shake the thought that i have this desease and i pretty much think about this all day. It's ruining my life. I dont worry about anything else health related, I smoke and im not even worried about cancer, but for some reason im always worried about my heart. I cant even stand to hear a heartbeat. As far as i can remember i have had anxiety and depression and i have chest pains sometimes too. This definately makes things worse. I just dont know what to do about this. I know my fear is probably irrational. Should i go get myself checked out by a doctor or something? I can deal with the normal depression and anxiety but i cant deal with worrying about my heart all the time. any ideas on what i could do? im so g;ad that there are places like this on the net. I wish there didnt have to be but for people with anxiety its great to be able to hear about others going throught the same things as you.

03-10-2006, 07:01 AM
This is VERY common anxiety problem. I`ve had it, but not anymore. I`m worried about cancers these days :roll: Your heart is just fine!

And if you cant calm down yourself, then go to doctor....to hear it`s just anxiety :)

03-11-2006, 08:05 AM
yah i had this too i worried about it constantly and now i also worry about cancers and pretty much anything else that i can think of take care ttyl - Casey

03-12-2006, 07:33 PM
i know how you feel. About a year ago i went to the emergency room because i was having chest pains, weakness and palpitations. It all, as you could have guest, turned out to be anxiety. Anxiety i think can cause allot of weird physical symptoms. I have a ton of heart palpitations. I was obsessive about it for a wile but I’m desensitized to it now and i also know they're completely benign. I mean i guess you just have to try and rationalize it ( i say 'try' because it's really hard sometimes) and tell yourself your anxiety isn't because something is physically wrong with you but mentally (not that i think your a nut job or anything ;) ) These feeling weren't triggered by something physical happening but by the "unknown" of your physical health. I hope things get better and maybe think about talking to someone about it that you think could help.

04-01-2006, 05:22 PM
Your a bit like me mate. When i'm busy i don't even think about it. But when im on my own (especially after meals) i feel my heart pumping all the time. It's really scary but ive been to the doctors and got the all-clear. Could a doctor tell straight away by listening to your heart that there is a problem ?