View Full Version : How to you summon the strength to do things that scare you?

12-04-2009, 11:19 PM
I was doing a little better, but then had an appointment monday morning which involved taking 2 buses (the first of which was 20mins late) and a walk that was longer than I had been used to in daylight. The pressure of being late and then the walk really panicked me and set me back a fair bit for the next few days.

Over one night I decided I really want a car, that it would benefit me in so many ways. To be able to do this of course it meant sorting out everything that had gone wrong with my money lately. There were some problems and mistakes that weren't my fault but because they took phonecalls and going out I had been avoiding them.

But because I had found a goal, something to motivate me, I was able to do it. It wasn't easy, yesterday I waited until it was dark to go out but I did. It was hard coming back and having to see my housemates in the kitchen but that's something else to sort out later.

12-05-2009, 02:19 AM
It's great when you find something that motivates you, when your positive about something anxiety seems more managable. That's how I feel, when I'm excited about something or look forward to it anxiety isn't an issue. When I'm dreading something, or get uncomfortable (un-anxiety related) I seem to struggle.
Good luck with new the car though, sounds like it's something you'll love :)

12-08-2009, 06:52 AM
I'm now thinking that if I do get this money I'm owed that I might be better of using it to move out of this house into somewhere else on my own. I really want a car but I want to feel safe and comfortable in my own home more. Finding the the front door was unlocked all night for the 2nd time recently has possibly been the last straw :shock:

12-08-2009, 11:44 AM
I've always found motivational quotes and inspiring music to be tremendous help when I was about to do something I feared. I'd often bring a book of quotes with me or listen to upbeat inspiring music during the actual difficult situation, such as riding public transportation or just before public speaking.

One of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain:

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."