View Full Version : Amino acid therapy in Australia?

12-02-2009, 06:01 PM
I am feeling so bad today that I am not even going to attempt to describe it. I am reluctant to believe that my thought processes alone are responsible for making me feel this bad. I am eating healthy & taking dietary supplements, but it is not preventing days like this from happening. I have tried the blanket Amino Acid approach (taking a complex with small quantities of all essential amino acids) but it is not having the desired effect.

I have read some very promising artciles on the internet about 'amino acid therapy'. With this treatment, patients are given specific amino acids to correct particular neurotransmitter defficiencies. I would really like to give this type of therapy a try. However, I am having trouble finding a place in Perth that does this sort of thing. I guess the first step is to find a pathology lab that will measure my neurotransmitter levels. From there it should be possible to determine which amino acids I need to correct the misbalance.

I have asked my GP about this, but he was not aware of this practice. I live in Perth, Australia. If anyone has info on this sort of practise in Australia it would be hugely appreciated.

12-02-2009, 09:50 PM
I'm in Melbourne and I can't say I've heard about it, but I would imagine a gp knowing nothing, they never seem to know much!!!
have you tried calling a natropath? Psychiatrist? Maybe the hospital or uni? I'd imagine it would be the same labs that test schizophrenia, autism patients things like that? If your on a good diet and taking extra supplements have you tried not taking the supplements to see how you feel, you know how sometimes you could overload yourself with things you may not need?
Thats really all I can think of, sometimes we have unexplained bad days which is hard, hopefully some better days are on the way.