View Full Version : Going off Klonopin (4 months and counting)

11-01-2009, 04:02 AM
I'm writing this for anyone who is interested in a firsthand account of going benzo free. I may fail in the end, but there's something to be said about the journey itself.

I started on Klonopin when I was 22 and have been taking 2.5mg once a day for the past 12 years for general anxiety (*Edited to change "twice" to "once"). One day I woke up in August and decided enough was enough.

1. My dosage consists of 5 half-mg tablets spread out throughout the day. For the first week, I cut down to 4.5 pills. Aside from the "cottonmouth" jittery feeling I get when I haven't had a pill in awhile, no major side effects to report.

2. On Week 2, I foolishly cut another half-pill off my dosage. That was a hell of a week. I had restless leg, insomnia, and this horrible feeling of depersonalization always lurking in the back of my mind. I have a rule that I cannot increase a dose for any reason, but I can certainly...plateua for a while.

3. Week 3 was much better. Some of the symptoms began to fade, though RLS is a bitch when you're trying to go to sleep. Had a panicky moment in the shower, but rode it out and all was well.

4. I decided to plateua for another week and get used to 4 pills a day. I realized that at this pace, it would take another 4 months to completely wean myself. Seemed hopeless.

5. Another half-pill cut for a week. Taking 3.5 pills a day now. Was very proud of myself. I saw things moving in my periphial vision sometimes. That was very unsettling.

6. Another week at 3.5 pills., and hello depersonalization! For anyone who hasn't experienced it, I hope you never have the pleasure. I wouldn't wish DP on my worst enemy. I distracted myself as much as possible during this time, but this was the closest I came to giving up.

7. I tried a week at 3.25 pills. I wanted to take it very slow. I'm sorry to say that even knowing better, I added alcohol to the mix.

8. Another week at 3.25. Cutting a quarter off the pill each two weeks seems to be working better. The DP has faded somewhat. Drinking is still a problem. Hard to sleep. The goal is to get off Klonopin- all other vices are temporarily rescinded.

9. Dropped down to 3 pills a day. I noticed I seemed to be more in touch with myself (and I felt things more clearly too. Little anxiety humor there). My son came home very depressed from his first day of school, and I cried with him. I can't remember last time I cried. Decade ago?

10. Another week at 3 pills. RLS and insomnia came back. DP faded in the background. Been taking Ambien for insomnia, but I'm careful to only do it a couple times a week. Very little anxiety through the whole process. My wife was worried about my drinking, so I didn't have anything this week. No repeat of the moving things at the edge of my vision. That was strange!

11. Last week I went down to 2 and 3/4 pills a day. I hardly think of the DP, but my level of anxiety has increased. But there are non-medicinal ways of dealing with that. Don't have as much insomnia as before.

12. Current week at 2 and 3/4 pills a day. I have been sleeping well, and feeling OK. Some anxiety. Am going to go to 2 and 1/2 pills on Monday. That's a milestone for me. This is an agonizingly slow process and I get depressed thinking that for all these weeks, I'm still only halfway there.

Will keep anyone reading this updated.

11-01-2009, 04:43 AM
This is an agonizingly slow process and I get depressed thinking that for all these weeks, I'm still only halfway there.

Remember that this is NOT a race. The important thing is for you to get off benzos. NOT to get off them in record time. It's better to take a whole year to get off them, and get off them once and for all, than it is to get off them in two months and then relapse in a couple of weeks.

11-01-2009, 12:35 PM
This is an agonizingly slow process and I get depressed thinking that for all these weeks, I'm still only halfway there.

Remember that this is NOT a race. The important thing is for you to get off benzos. NOT to get off them in record time. It's better to take a whole year to get off them, and get off them once and for all, than it is to get off them in two months and then relapse in a couple of weeks.

Right. Slow and steady wins the race. I need to envision the goal and tell myself I can do it. But I'm not good at giving myself pep talks.

11-06-2009, 05:58 PM
Week 13: Dropped down to 2 and a half pills a day on Monday. I Had terrible anxiety all through Monday. Pretty bad depersonalization feelings. I kept telling myself they were temporary and kept changing my thinking every time I caught myself dwelling on them.

By Tuesday, I was over the anxiety, but still feeling strung out from having cut back. The withdrawal feelings come on strongest around 7 pm, which is strange because I take my last dose at 5 pm. I Had restless leg on Tuesday night and had a hard time sleeping. Wednesday night, I kept obessing about my job. Thursday was much better, and now I am doing very well.

I Made the mistake of buying a bunch of beer that was on sale over the weekend. I don't let myself have more than 3 a day, and I know it's not good for me. I was doing so well not drinking for about a month! I should not buy alcohol. It's too tempting to have it in the house.

11-12-2009, 06:23 PM
Are you getting any therapy? I am currently weaning off Lexapro with a view to dealing with my anxiety through mindfulness meditation. I am find it very helpful.

If you haven't heard of this you should look it up on the web and try to get Jon Kabat Zinn's book Full Catastrophe living and some of his guided mediation CDs.

The approach is to help you see your anxiety as just thoughts and that they are okay. I have found it very helpful.

Good luck!