View Full Version : Quiz Question - Do I suffer from Anxiety?

10-31-2009, 03:14 PM
Over the past couple of years I have gradually been getting worse and worse feelings of worry and panic - which after I have calmed down I feel quite depressed.

The situation that sets me off is when my 'boss' is in a bad mood. He has a reputation for being reactive and I suppose I find that hard to deal with.

I often leave meetings secretly in a panic - even when I am not the focus of a discussion, with unjustified feelings of being a failure and looking over my shoulder for potential critism.

My boss has often made decisions (wrongly in my opinion) that I am feel unable to confront him on because of his strong 'I am right' attitude - this again can trigger me as described in the first paragraph

Hope I have explained myself ok - never done this before.

Can anyone tell me....Do I suffer from Anxiety?