View Full Version : sleep and anxiety

10-31-2009, 11:13 AM
I have had anxiety problems all my life. It got worse when I was a teenager which led to seeking help with anxiety symptoms. I found a combo of drugs at around 18 that allowed me to live my life up through the age of 32, when I finally decided the meds I had been taking for 14 years had lost allot of effect,( I really did not know how depressed and anxious I was) which led me to wean off luvox, and finally klonopin--changing to 25 mg of zoloft and 100mg of elavil. The past 18mos has been hell trying to find meds that work, and trying to have some sort of life--family and work.
Pure hell.
The current meds work well and I have days that I almost feel somewhat normal, something I have not felt in 15 years. My problem is when I wake in the morning, if I am anxious that is the way I feel all day no matter what I do --take naps, eat carbs, rest, work.. If I wake less anxious, then I feel well all day. It's like something happens when I sleep that dictates whether I am anxious that day or not????? I have tried changing meds around and all???

11-04-2009, 07:29 PM
yeah that has happened to me sometimes too... you just wake up anxious and you're like that for the rest of the day.. what i do now is i'll wake up.. have a shower and then put on some really relaxing music.. just instrumental stuff with birds or waterfalls in the background kinda thing... and i'll try and meditate.. or just lie there with my headphones on and have that time to think about only good and happy things.. like the beach, swimming, the sky, family or friends you love, baby turtles haha anything that makes you feel happy or gives you a sense of relief.. i do that for about 10 minutes and it actually makes me feel a lot better! you should give it a shot!