View Full Version : Armpit pain and brain fog

James W.
10-08-2009, 02:47 PM
Hi everyone,

On and off for the last couple months or so, I've been feeling a mild pain in my right armpit - but without any swelling or increase in pain whatsoever. Back when my anxiety started to become bad and I was looking up physical ailments on Google like crazy, I read that armpit swelling of various forms of cancer, but without the swelling, is it most likely just my anxious brain creating symptoms?

Secondly, as of the last few months I've been getting derealisation/brain fog when I listen to music on headphones, which never used to be the case. I really enjoy listening to music, so this is kind of a pain - is anyone aware of this as something that ever happens?


10-08-2009, 08:15 PM
Brain fog was one of my main anxiety symptoms keep your mind busy and u will forget!!!!! I did, every once and a while I will think about it but 90 percent of the time I don't anymore med free too!

10-11-2009, 05:21 PM
Rule number one. Never, ever, EVER Google symptoms because they just do your head in! You probably just had a slight muscle pull and then your brain fixates on it and makes it feel like it never gets any better!