View Full Version : Chest pain,constant panic, am I alone in this?Possible PTSD?

10-01-2009, 08:21 PM
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this site. I so desperately seeking someone to talk to.

The last year or so has been awful for me. I have always had anxiety and panic, social phobia, etc. I used to have a horrible fear of vomiting and was sick to my stomach every day for months. Now, after my grandmom's heart attack (which I wintessed at 4 am one night last year), I have been having heart palpatations, strange chest senstations, pressure, pain in my neck, back, jaw...I'm so afraid that I'm dying. I had a normal EKG, a normal Chest XRay, and blood work to confirm that I had no autoimmune problems. But still, I fear everyday that I will just faint (in public, which is humiliating for me) and probably die. I'm also terrified that I will pass out while driving.

The man I thought I was going to marry cheated on me and broke up with me about a year ago...I was devasted, and still am. He tried to get me back after, and threatened suicide...I did not go back with him. I have a different boyfriend now, and our relationship is bad because I take out a lot of agression on him (my anxiety makes me so angry all the time). I feel awful. Can a terrible breakup cause PTSD? Is that what I have, or what are all these symptoms? I took xanax, which gave me great relief for about a month and a half and then stopped working!! Now I am suffering again every single day. I can't keep going on like this...someone please give me advice, or just let me know that I'm not alone. thank you

10-03-2009, 02:14 AM
Hey just wanted to say you're not alone... I have a similar thing going on for me too. It's hard to accept medical opinion when the sensations are so real and frightening.

I hope it all settles down for you. For what it's worth I find meditational yoga and hot water with fresh lemon very calming. (I know these kind of suggestions are a bit annoying while in mid panic but it is worth thinking about when you are feeling a bit better)

10-03-2009, 06:22 AM
Yes it can! I don't have much advice on that subject cause I am going through a bad point in our 4 year relationship so sorry but yea it can make u feel like shit and worthless!!!!!! More so if u have kids cause all ur angry goes to ur kid§

10-11-2009, 05:58 PM
Tiffany~ Just so you know, everything that you are experiencing is related to anxiety, including the thought that ptsd is too significant for just a breakup, if it caused major stress in your life, then it caused your anxiety, my gma had a heart attack too and I think thats why i've been to the hospital thinkin something was wrong with my heart, but to happen in front of you is all the more reason to be scared. Its okay to be scared, I am praying for you dear. I promise

10-25-2009, 03:51 PM
tiffany925, I have the same symptoms. ever since I thought I was going to die from heart problems in the er (the er triggered me to have this) I have been having sharp chest pain, heartburn almost. it comes and goes and I think something is wrong with me even tho there isnt. had a ekg done on me and everything was fine besides the palps which are caused by panic attacks. thing is when you focus on it it becomes a cycle and you repeat it everyday because you think about it. I felt fine then I got panic attacks and now I feel like my heart is palping, my chest hurts, shortness of breathe and I freak out becayse I can't feel my heart beat.
I am also depressed since I just lost a pregnancy on friday so it is expected I feel panic attacks. =/ though even tho I know what it is I still worry because I havent had this in along time and tramatic things in life trigger them. =/

Talking about your issues helps only for the moment. I don't take meds for my attacks, I never had too because I went for walks and did activities and read books, cant do those now but i was thinking of getting New Moon and read that. well...hope this helps. sometimes I take Xanax but it doesnt seem to help my chest pain or panic attacks either so I know how you feel.

10-25-2009, 06:56 PM
Hey Tiffany, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling that way. I've had my problems with anxiety, and I think I've had every symptom possible, no joke. I regards to your symptoms, Yoga can really help you with that. When I was really bad I started doing yoga and slowly I noticed my symptoms dissapearing. The chest pains, pressure, trouble eating, everything. But you also have to work on your mind and deal with whatever it is that is causing you anxiety. I've stop doing yoga for about 2 months now..and Im feeling the symptoms coming back..=/ which is why Im here..but I know once I start doing yoga it will get better..keep your head up.

11-02-2009, 07:54 PM
Well, you're not alone and other people are going through this hell that anxiety produces just like you. I don't have the specific symptoms you have, but I have trouble with social anxiety and it makes life just as hellish as any other condition.

The health issues that have no somatic origin (no basis as a dysfunction of your physical body) are probably forms of hypochondria, or health anxiety.

The other anxiety you talk about which is fueling your anger towards your boyfriend is probably generalized anxiety (GAD). I get very angry towards my wife when she is not taking actions that I feel that she should.

PTSD is an anxiety disorder, but typically involves vivid flashbacks of a traumatic event or events, and also includes nightmares and an exaggerated startle response to stimuli similar to that seen in a traumatic event.

There's the outlining of the issues. What's the solution? Talking and creating a new way of life that reduces anxiety. By talking I mean seeing a counselor (I saw one and it was very helpful). By a new way of life I mean engaging in regular exercise (great for reducing anxiety), having supportive and kind friends, working an enjoyable job, eliminating anxiety-provoking people, eating an anxiety-reducing diet, and using a dose of medication. When you look at each and every aspect of your life and structure it so that it reduces anxiety, you will find life gets quite better quite fast. Let me know if I can be of further help!