View Full Version : please help me I'm really panicking

09-24-2009, 04:32 AM
Hi will cut a long story short, I am a married mum with 2 kids, left teaching to have kids, now a homemaker. Suffer from GAD have done for over 3 years have taken meds and had a link worker to talk to. Last year was awful lots happened but main one being my OH had 2 abdominl opps and was off work over a year, his school tried to sack him it was awful, we ran out of money and nearly lost the house the stress was too much. Anyway he went back to work in may all was fine then 2 weeks ago discovered another hernia lump but it was painless, this week it started really hurting and he is off again waiting for an MRI next week. His school, have already started to review his ability to come back again, have rung union rep he will do his best, but it is all happening again and I cannot cope at all, feel awful today shaking stressed tearfull and panicky. I was trying to get off meds so on a low dose now. Rang link worker have to be re-referred by Dr, speak to him next week on the phone, monday am, then they will pick up my case again. Feel so alone have no support or family close by, is there any help other than if you are suicidal I feel there is not. should I have been assesed for help? please help? Nic

09-29-2009, 08:54 AM
Hi :)

As somone who finaly beat Anxiety, I may be able to offer you a comfort. Lets just say my anxiety was brought on by a huge amount of stress as your was.

I spent months scouring the internet for a cure as my Doctor had no clue on how to support me apart from giving me meds. Lets face it meds only dampen the symptoms and do not cure Anxiety. Remember life before you hit Anxiety? It always appeard hazy to me, i would stop at nothing to get it back and feel myself again.

So whats the trick? Well the most important thing to look at first is your diet, eat healthy and cut out ALL suger and Caffine, this is very important if your panicy. Make sure you stick to it and be aware on what foods contain suger as some are easily overlooked.

Next step is to give your body some more support to battle away your symptoms, after all its not onky your mind that is struggling here. Some good things to try are as follows: Vitamin B complex suppliment (not the cheap stuff) This will help give help to all the B vitamins stripped from your body by Anxiety also helping you feel much less tired. Magesium: Another thing that is stripped from your body which causes muscle issues and heart flutting etc ( goog it and have a read up its interesting).

Sleep: Now this is another important factor that is distrupted by Aniety. Try to get as much as you can going to bed much earlier than you normally do. Your body is suffering all day and cries out for more rest in order to recover.

Thinking???: Yes we have all overdone this one havnt we? what im trying to say is if we have any symtoms at all lumps, coughs, dizziness just about anything we go into worry mode and constantly asseses everything. Simple fact here is that your mind is being battered by worry making that whole experiance of anxiety much much worse, it was only after i started to distract my mind from my symptoms did i notice my recovery.

I can only go off my experiance and the messages ive had of people ive helped along the way. It may not cure you but it will help you on a road to recovery. Remember Anxiety cannot be cured over night and will take months, but hold in there like and did.

Recently i have noticed a lump on my wrist, i would normally dive into the Doctors torn with worry but after dealing with my Anxiety it just seems like its not important. I know it is and need to make an appointment but what im saying is, if you can conquer Anxiety everything else just seems so small.

Most Doctors are useless with Anxiety so self help is a good way to go. Maybe a Phycologist if you feel you need some support. Family tend to shy away from your problems because they quite simply dont understand how you feel or how to assist you.

Good luck :)

09-30-2009, 03:40 AM
Hi coops025 hope u dont mind me asking but how do u start to distract ur mind onto other things rather than worry? i'm feeling really positive right now i really feel i'm getting there but its only been a few weeks i just feel i need a little advice help and guidence. it also makes me feel better giving support to people like me on here :)

09-30-2009, 03:57 AM
Hi will cut a long story short, I am a married mum with 2 kids, left teaching to have kids, now a homemaker. Suffer from GAD have done for over 3 years have taken meds and had a link worker to talk to. Last year was awful lots happened but main one being my OH had 2 abdominl opps and was off work over a year, his school tried to sack him it was awful, we ran out of money and nearly lost the house the stress was too much. Anyway he went back to work in may all was fine then 2 weeks ago discovered another hernia lump but it was painless, this week it started really hurting and he is off again waiting for an MRI next week. His school, have already started to review his ability to come back again, have rung union rep he will do his best, but it is all happening again and I cannot cope at all, feel awful today shaking stressed tearfull and panicky. I was trying to get off meds so on a low dose now. Rang link worker have to be re-referred by Dr, speak to him next week on the phone, monday am, then they will pick up my case again. Feel so alone have no support or family close by, is there any help other than if you are suicidal I feel there is not. should I have been assesed for help? please help? Nic

Hi nic i'm sry to hear ur husband has to go through it all again, surly they cant get rid of him over a hernia? it's not like he can help it! makes me angry to hear that they would even consider getting rid of him, they should be supporting him! my husband is self employed the credit crunch has hit his buissness a few times this year so i understand the panic u feel about loosing ur house ect, the way i got through it was to just face up to the fact it was out of my hands! there was nothing i could do apart from try, if the worse happened the worse happened! it was just one of those things dont get me wrong i would of been heart broken if i'd lost everything but u just have to look at ur other options i know its very hard to do that when u feel ur stuck in a black hole but there really is only so much u can do sometimes things are beyond ur control and i just excepted this and got on with it.
I really hope this dosent sound harsh to u i'm just sharing how i got through it if u need to talk anytime just message me i'd be happy to listern! :)