View Full Version : anxiety symptoms/triggers and head twitching

09-20-2009, 07:09 AM
hi everyone :)

okay so heres my story along with my new symptoms that are concerning me.

i was first diagnosed with anxiety at 8 years old, after having every test under the sun done to me! i suffered extremely bad throughout school and jobs with anxiety and panic attacks. untill last year, i found myself in an extremely happy place and a new attitude to life which made the anixety attacks stop.

I am 20 now.... on the 28th of July 2009 i had a misscarriage which devestated me and also triggerd back off my anxiety :(
it made me feel aware of lots of different symptoms once again, the one i am concernd about at the moment is my head seems to twitch on its own, it really frightens me because i am now convinced i have a brain tumour. also on wednesday after i had finished a full day at college, i had a small headache whilst watchin televison and then i went really dizzy for a couple of seconds, i did start to panick and went upstairs and started running the bath to try and calm me down, however whilst i was in the bath i noticed my hand and arm felt heavy and numb, i began thinking id had a stroke, seizure of something like that. anyways a few days has passed and no more headaches or anything jus normal anxiey symptoms along with the twitching head, and i think i am putting too much emphasise on my hand because i feel like im holiding it different, but not sure if im bringing this on myself because im thinking about it all the time, if u no what i mean?
could anyone offer some reassuring words, im back at college tommoroow and i really dont want to go as im thinking ill have a seizure there or something.

09-30-2009, 02:38 AM
Had you eaten at the time when you experianced your dizzyness? the reason why im asking is your blood suger levels may have triggered this. I find that with Anxiety if you havnt eaten you are more prone to have an attack of dizzyness.

Tingling normall comes with a panic attack but not everytime, but it is quite normal for you to experiance this.

When having a susspected attack the best think to do is to try your best to ignore it, i know it's not easy but it helps alot. I found that Camomile Tea is good for relaxing if you feel tense.

Remember the worst thing you can do is think about your sypmtoms as it anly feeds your Anxiety. Try to watch your suger intake and stay away from caffine where you can.