View Full Version : Does anyone else have this fear?

09-06-2009, 10:35 PM
Hi, I'm new to this forum and was wondering a few things.

I recently took levaquin, an antibiotic, for a UTI (I've heard Levaquin could induce anxiety in people but didnt know for sure if that was the problem) and on about the 4th day I suddenly began having an intense fear of developing schizophrenia. I have read up on all the symptoms and I don't seem to have any of them, but I still can't shake this fear that I'm developing it. I've started obsessing about the way I think, and asking myself whether or not I really just did something (like have a phone conversation or talk to someone) even though I know in the back of my mind that I really did. My girlfriend was texting me about something today and brought up something that was completely off topic, and I started freaking out thinking that I had missed something or had talked to her about it and didn't remember doing it. I was wrong of course, but these are the fears I'm having and honestly it's becoming overwhelming. This all came on so suddenly, like just in a day and now, 5 days later it hasn't really gotten too much better. I know my fears are completely unsubstantiated but I can't help but worry, I've taken countless online tests and read countless articles that prove over and over again that I don't have it but the worry just won't go away.

I'm sorry to rant but I guess my questions are does anyone else have this fear and what can I do about it? I've already set up an appointment for counseling but what about in the meantime?

09-07-2009, 06:33 AM
Face your fears man.
There is no point in running form them, it won't help.
Try to do things that you are afraid of. Talk to your Girlfriend and don't respond to her talks for a bit and in between. Try things like this.

09-07-2009, 02:13 PM
But how do I face a fear of developing schizophrenia? Especially if it's all in my head? And the gf part doesn't scare me, that was just an example.

09-18-2009, 11:30 AM
I just spent ages writing a reply to your post and accidentally deleted it grr!

I wanted to say that I totally understand what you are going through, Ive been through the exact same thing, with the added worry that my mum actually is schizophrenic!
I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) One of the main symptoms is feeling like your going mad or the fear of going mad.

I can relate to everything you've said. I would even try to make noise constantly at night until I fell asleep to try and avoid hearing voices! I got really freaked out if I didnt hear something properly or misunderstood what someone was saying.If I was you id look up GAD and see if you can relate to the symptoms. Also I would say the best thing to do is talk to your doctor about what you're feeling, when I spoke to my doctor it really put my mind at ease. For me, the best thing he told me was that schizophrenia could not be passed down from a parent to a child. The other thing he said that helped, and maybe it will help you too, was that if I was going mad or developing schizophrenia I wouldnt have been talking to him about it because I wouldn't have been aware of it.
You are obviously acutely aware of what you are feeling, which probably rules out schizophrenia.

I dont really experience those feeling anymore, very rarely. Im getting help with my other anxiety problems and feeling much better.

Good luck with it, you're not going mad, I promise :) xx

09-30-2009, 03:03 PM
it can be on your mind for days, you look up the symptoms and you try and compare yourself to it, and your mind trys to convince you that you do have shizaprenia even though you haven't got it. The fear hasnt bugged me for a while but it comes and goes along with other fears too.

10-01-2009, 05:45 AM
Yes i also have had this worry before but i know now it's just my anxiety :)

10-01-2009, 08:37 AM
Hi there i know exactly how you feel i used to have the exact same thing, and i sian is right it sounds like GAD. It came on me out of no where after a very stressful period in my life. trust me it will get better, you are not going made its been over a year and a half for me now and everything is fine, check out the linden method it helped me or ask ur doc about CBT. Hope this helps...... always talk to people to this helps........ :D

10-01-2009, 09:11 AM
hi i can relate to what your saying and really feel for you so much. i want some advise on here about how im feeling right now

10-02-2009, 07:49 AM
I have posted replies on other topics here today, but this one is the one I can relate to most. My mom is Bi polar and at the moment my anxiety is that I am bi polar as well, and that some day I will get so depressed that I will want to kill myself. I'm not suicidal but I'm worried I will be. I will look up the symptoms and compare and assimilate my feelings and thoughts to them and convince myself that I am bi polar, that it is hopeless, no one can get inside my head and help me figure it out, that there is no end to it. It's an ongoing cycle. I find that exercise helps alot. after 30 minutes of running or swimming I dont feel anxious at all, and it lasts for a couple hours at least. I know it doesnt sound like much but it's 2 hours of clear, rational thinking. I really relate to what your saying here, when it's in your head it seems like nothing can help you. I'm in the thick of it at the moment but there are times when I can see the other side.