View Full Version : dont know how much longer i can take this.

09-01-2009, 09:59 PM
i seriously feel poisoned. i do everything i can to fight this "anxiety" or whatever it is. i feel my body is rejecting me. im 23, i eat REALLY well....i bike 100+ miles a week, i don't smoke anything, i drink very little.... i have friends, i try to be social; but really...

i have these crazy dizzy headaches, that can last for days, i have pains and twitches all over, i forget things, i have weird hot flashes in my limbs (im a guy) i have constant panic attacks and serious depression.

some days are better than others, some days i want to end it. some days its mental, some days its physical, some days both. some times i feel like i cant breathe, and i always feel on the verge of death. this has been going on for years, and im frustrated...in my body and my mind.

ive convinced myself time and time again that this is some sort of cancer, some sort of infection, some disease that is causing all this. i mean...i LITERALLY have pains in my stomach...i LITERALLY am dizzy....

i don't know what to do any more. its like, my body is going to shut down, or my mind is first..