View Full Version : New Symptom Question

09-01-2009, 11:31 AM
Hello. I've recently been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, and have experienced a wide variety of symptoms, including dizziness, hand tremors, nervous feelings, etc. Startinbg at the end of last week I've noticed that my feet are somewhat painful, consistently, especially when walking or applying any force on them. I had been on lexapro 10mg per day for 3 weeks, and last week my doctor upped it to 15mg per day. I was wondering if anyone has experienced painful feet as a symptom of anxiety, or perhaps even as a reaction to the lexapro. Any feedback is appreciated.

09-02-2009, 07:13 AM
That is a new one but im sure with the mass cocktail that Anxiety brings its just another thing that will pass over time providing to look after yourself.

Hand tremors are somthing that i had that appears to esculate when i had drinks with caffine in. Caffine is a big no no by the way but could be linked to your problem.

Dizzyness is a tricky one but my own theory is that you mind is entering a state of defense and has become tired making things seem a little hazy which also makes balance off to. I think this is down to over analizing your symtoms too much on a daily basis and you mind not being able to cope. Dont get me wrong though i could be wrong as dizzyness comes for so many reasons its very hard to pin point why its happening. Take a look at your diet and suger levels first before you go into dizzyness. Oh and for the love of god dont start thinking you have a Brian Tumor as many have thought including myself. Anxiety plays dirty tricks on you and its something that can be overcome. Stay possitive :D