08-28-2009, 12:20 AM
I've come here in search of a relief for my anxiety. I guess i should first start with my background story. Ever since i started high school, i've had mild anxiety. When getting up in the morning, I would have panic attacks from being worried about my day. They got worse and worse, until eventually I had to go to a doctor, and get a prescription. I got put on a 20 pill supply of Lorazepam. When that ran out, I had to go to a primary doctor, as the first place was an urgent care center. The latter doctor gave me Prozac. After 3 months of being on it, the side effects were too much to bare. Being on winter break, I went back and he weened me off of the medication. I was completely anxiety free, until about two months ago. All of the sudden, I started having bad panic attacks in the morning. I would get up, and panic myself into vomiting. I would feel horrible the entire day until around the evening, where I would start getting calmer. I went back to an urgent care facility and got put on a 40 day supply of lorazepam. I started taking less and less, and now i've ran out. I read some articles about magnesium and the such, and picked some up yesterday and started taking it. I can feel my anxiety right now creeping up on me, and I just have this feeling in the pit of myself that this will be the rest of my life. I just wish i could go back to the way i used to feel. I wont be able to see another doctor for a couple weeks, does anyone have a way that i can cope with this? Im anxious almost all the time, and eating is very hard for me. I just wish I felt like my old self.