View Full Version : What is the BEST medication you've taken for anxiety?

08-27-2009, 04:09 AM
Name your top drug of choice that have given you the best results.

10-15-2009, 10:03 PM
Honestly a drug will only cover up the issue. It is best that you talk about it and expression yourself with someone to open your eyes up about what you are truly feeling. Talking with people about the instances that make you feel anxious will if you choose to listen to what you say and conceptualize what is going on, will you truly learn to diminish your anxiety without drugs or medication.. Believe me it will be the best way to go about it. I would be very careful with medications. Don't give your brain the easy way out like that when their is a far better solution. YOu just have to work for it. Be true with yourself.

11-04-2009, 03:01 PM
It's not a drug, it's FOOD!

My anxiety and panic attacks were directly related to blood sugar swings. One of the primary remedies was to eat high quality foods frequently. Oh, darn!


12-31-2009, 06:48 PM
Zoloft, it saved my life!

01-13-2010, 09:05 AM
Paxil, clonazepam (as needed).

01-21-2010, 02:08 PM
Buspirone 20mg 3x a day and lorazepam when having a panic attack.

04-20-2010, 04:54 PM
It's hard to say I have taken so many and never felt that any of them were much better than others.
Paxil - first time I took it it was a miracle: decreased social anxiety, felt "even" and relaxed, happy. Trying it again now and it's not working like it did.

Others tried: Zoloft, Effexor, Lexapro, Klonapin, Celexa, Wellbutrin-(WORST FOR ANXIETY, provoked dizziness and panic attacks), trazodone... probably more but I can't remember.

Xanax works some for me but I only take .25 mg occaisonally. I probably should try it just scheduled 3 times a day but I am so freaking TIRED already that I am afraid to.

I take Halcion for sleep at night but 70% of the time it doesn't help anymore.

05-29-2010, 03:51 PM
Effexor did not help me at all, in fact made things worse for me. too many side effects and it increased my anxiety. Xanax is fantastic cos its fast acting during an attack but is addictive. I have just started zoloft.

06-09-2010, 01:36 PM
Was on Effexor but had to get off of it due to brain zaps. Wellbutrin made me dizzy and black out. SO I went back to Prozac and after awhile it seemed to not have much an effect on me. Ive recently got off all of SSRI's and is currently taking St Johns Wort..not only cheaper but you dont need a prescription for it and it doesnt have the severe side effects of other medications.

06-11-2010, 10:52 AM
Well...I tried so many drugs such as Zoloft,Paxil,Effexor XR,Serenace,Aripip but none of them improved my condition till the doctor prescribed me Lexapro along with Risperdal.It showed miracles.

06-15-2010, 01:50 PM
Ativan(Lorazepam) is the undisputed champ as far as I'm concerned.

06-26-2010, 06:22 AM

My anxiety and panic attacks were directly related to blood sugar swings.

One of the primary remedies was to eat high quality foods frequently.

improve our health.

marihuana seeds (http://www.top-cannabis.net/seedbank.php)

07-13-2010, 09:09 PM
Effexor did not help me at all, in fact made things worse for me. too many side effects and it increased my anxiety. Xanax is fantastic cos its fast acting during an attack but is addictive. I have just started zoloft.
When I took effexor, it was horrible. I suddenly started like my body was constantly being set on fire, and then put out, it lasted a long time. I ended up in the ER, they said I was having a side effect, and hooked my up to all the bells and whistles for around 4 to 6 hours. I was also given an injection of valum for anxiety. I never touched it after that.

07-29-2010, 02:29 PM
Effexor was a life saver for me!! Too it for 1o years..I am now withdrawing from it, over 3 month course..two days now without any, the worse part is now not having any. The other decreases in intake weren't as bad..we shall see. I akso have xanax in case I feel nervous or a panic atack coming on. But everyone is different..my sister couldn't take effexor.

crystal fud
08-06-2010, 03:48 AM
for me the sych set this up: xanix for immediate solving,fluoxetine taken daily for long run

08-09-2010, 11:10 AM
I've found that antidepressants can work well for a while, but the positive effects tend to wear off on me after a time. My first was Celexa, which helped a good deal, then I tried Prozac for 3 days, which had me running on the walls, so I stopped that. I've been on Zoloft for quite awhile, but that stopped working as well. At this point I'm just now getting back on Celexa to see if that'll help again... Sometimes I feel like I'm only still taking these things to keep from having withdrawal!

Benzos, specifically Kloninpin (Clonazepam) help a great deal, but I've found that they only cover up the problem, and when it wears off you tend to crave the relief to the point where you'll try to take them every day in every situation, then tolerance builds and you've become physically (sometimes even mentally) addicted, so I've chosen not to use benzos at all.

The most helpful thing I've taken, and still taking, would be Tenormin (Atenolol), a beta blocker that regulates the heart rate and blocks off the flow of adrenaline for the most part. It relieves most of the worst symptoms like rapid heartbeat (COMPLETELY!), shaking, and hyperventilation. I had a panic attack while taking this stuff, and I don't think my heart rate ever even hit 90, so it's obviously VERY effective. It helps me sleep too, with little to no side effects. It can make me drowsy at times, and OCCASIONALLY I might get slightly dizzy for a moment, but that's about it.

One other thing I've tried was an herb called Kava Kava, after reading about it's effects for anxiety, and the fact that it effects the same part of the brain (the GABA) as a benzo, only without the addiction. The Kava seemed to work quite well, and the stuff had such potent pain relieve, the worst migraine could be relieved in 3 gulps of the stuff. I haven't been able to use it again, but I think I could recommend just about anyone to give it a try once or twice. It could be something to use in those tough times or to help with sleep. Like all things though, we must use in moderation!

Out of everything I've had, the Tenormin has to be the ultimate anxiety helper. I only wish I'd found it sooner, so that some of those bad times could've been relieved and forgotten without effort. I recommend ANYONE with anxiety issues, palpitations, racing hearts, hyperventilation, shaking, etc. to talk to their doctor about this medicine, because I believe it can REALLY help!

Good luck to all with their fears, and know that God has plans for each and every one of us!

08-25-2010, 03:17 AM
Name your top drug of choice that have given you the best results.

I would recommend Stablon Generic Tianeptine.
Generic Stablon Tianeptine is a medication to reduce anxiety and depression. Stablon Tianeptine with excellent safety profile improves the availability of the calming neurotransmitter serotonin and increases absorption of our body - the important neurotransmitter serotonin – that helps to normalize mood.

Generic Stablon Tianeptine appears to be more effective than other anxiety medications in improving associated anxiety in patients with depressive disorders.

Generic Stablon works in a novel way and appears to create fewer side effects than other anti-depression medicines and less likelihood of interactions with other drugs. In particular, Generic Stablon is not known to interfere with the sexual appetite and does not result in drowsiness in the most of the cases. Stablon is available at emedoutlet with15% discount coupon 5234E and Free Shipping with code 4848B.

09-01-2010, 11:08 AM
I have read many times in some article that medication can only relieve some symptoms of anxiety and requires non-drug treatments to overcome anxieties for good. Medications have side effects including the risk of addiction. It needs major changes in lifestyle to make a difference in anxiety levels which includes healthy diet, regular exercise and adequate rest/sleep. Start with lifestyle!

09-02-2010, 03:43 AM
Name your top drug of choice that have given you the best results.

Stablon Generic Tianeptine worked best for me.
Generic Stablon Tianeptine is a medication to reduce anxiety and depression. Stablon Tianeptine with excellent safety profile improves the availability of the calming neurotransmitter serotonin and increases absorption of our body - the important neurotransmitter serotonin – that helps to normalize mood.

Generic Stablon Tianeptine appears to be more effective than other anxiety medications in improving associated anxiety in patients with depressive disorders.

Generic Stablon works in a novel way and appears to create fewer side effects than other anti-depression medicines and less likelihood of interactions with other drugs. In particular, Generic Stablon is not known to interfere with the sexual appetite and does not result in drowsiness in the most of the cases.

It has been recommended that it may be mostly appropriate for aged patients and for those having alcohol withdrawal problem, as these patients tend to be more sensitive to the effects of psychotropic drugs. Recent study now suggests that Generic Stablon is also prescribed to treat asthma and found effective. Stablon is available at emedoutlet with discount coupon code 5234E and Free Shipping with code 4848B.

03-14-2011, 09:08 AM
Clonazepam... by far,,

04-12-2011, 12:00 PM
Clonazepam is both the best and the worst med i tried...
While it vanished my anxiety within 15 minutes the first time i took it, the effect became less noticeable after two to three weeks 1mg/day. So i decided to quit, but even after those two weeks i had withdrawal effects on top of my normal anxiety. When i decided to taper off (from 1,0 to 0,5 to 0,25 to nothing in three weeks) it went better, but the two weeks weren`t worth the withdrawal for me.

I`m going to try fluoxetine now (also for depression).. I know this is also a bad drug to withdrawal from for some people (although not as bad as benzodiazepines), but at least it shouldn`t produce tolerance that quickly.

04-12-2011, 04:35 PM

Thank you very much for your comment. To be honest i think you`re completely right and i`m still doubting if i should take meds or not. I know very well that they will not solve my problems but i`m at a point i`m really not able to function anymore.

If this continues for another year I`m sure i will fail at college and that alone will cause a great amount of stress on top of the things i have to deal with.

I Wish i could call in sick for 6 months and work solely on my recovery without medication but i cannot afford that.
Do you think recovery is harder or even impossible while taking meds?

04-12-2011, 10:06 PM
Forwell i really like your post on anxiety in general. The hard fact is that alot of people when they get hit with the anxiety the first time they dont know to look for coping mechanisms, they just want it to stop. So, in turn be quick to take a pill. The trick with medication is you have to take it while trying other ways to deal with your anxiety whether it be thru some herbal, homeopathic or some sort of counselor. If not the risk for abuse, tolerance and withdrawal will set in. Im seeing a psychiatrist tomorrow for the first time in like 6 years. Dave try to see a counselor at the school while exploring medical options. just dont run from medicine to medicine without tackling the problem head on. good luck

04-12-2011, 10:44 PM
The trick with medication is you have to take it while trying other ways to deal with your anxiety whether it be thru some herbal, homeopathic or some sort of counselor. If not the risk for abuse, tolerance and withdrawal will set in.

A couple of things. First of all, a BIG part of the problem with medication is that, if you are taking it to try to get you to a 'better place' while you learn to cope with anxiety disorder, what you learn from, say, counseling or CBT is probably not going to be as effective as it would be without the medication. In a way, it's kind of like trying to learn how to be more social by drinking alcohol or taking E pills. Drugs like these will help in social situations. And maybe you can learn to converse better with people while taking them. But once you take these drugs away, you are basically back at square one. The same thing will likely happen if you take, say, an antidepressant. In addition, there is the whole question as to whether taking a drug (like antidepressants) will prevent natural healing. Lots of times, people get anxiety disorder. But with time, the disorder goes away completely with little to no intervention. Other people in the same situation choose to go the drug route because they just want the anxiety gone NOW or because their doctor tells them to. SO many of these people just end up stuck on antidepressants for years. Granted, it is hard to say whether this same thing would happen if some of the non-drug users took antidepressants (or whether some of the drug users would eventually recover on their own if they DIDN'T take antidepressants). But this sort of thing sure doesn't make antidepressants look good.

As for abuse, tolerance, and withdrawal, if we are talking about antidepressants (and NOT benzos), what you do while taking medication (ie counseling, CBT, etc) has little to no effect on such things as abuse, tolerance, and withdrawal. Tolerance happens regardless of these factors. And so does the potential for withdrawal. These things happen solely as a result of taking these drugs for an extended period of time. And going through counseling, CBT, or taking supplements is NOT going to change this.

04-13-2011, 05:18 AM

Yeah but you have to understand that these drug aren`t only bad, and that they can help certain people. I Know some people who got a lot better while on an SSRI. It made them able to fix their life and their way of thinking instead of lying in bed all day worring.

But again I agree these meds are not the solution by themselves and i see them merely as "painkillers".

04-13-2011, 04:29 PM
But again I agree these meds are not the solution by themselves and i see them merely as "painkillers".

A BIG part of the problem is that, at least here in the US, antidepressants are promoted less as painkillers and more along the same lines of insulin for diabetics. The result? Even people with mild to moderate depression/anxiety (and who would be better off without medication) feel like they NEED to be on meds. A good example of this is a friend of mine who developed anxiety disorder from being in an abusive marriage. She started taking Effexor when things were at their worst. Admittedly, I haven't seen her in a few years. But at that time, she was still on Effexor because of that whole ordeal - despite the fact that she had broken up with that abusive guy YEARS earlier. Now I KNOW that she could have pulled through her problems just fine without the medication. And, in the end, it might have been a six month problem or a one year problem if she never took any pills. But instead, it became a 10 year problem, all because she felt like she had to take pills. Interestingly, in the last days I saw her, she actually said she wanted to be off Effexor. But the withdrawal was just too bad. Hopefully, she is finally off the stuff.

04-14-2011, 05:15 AM
aargh double

04-14-2011, 05:21 AM
Indeed i heard the insulin example here in the Netherlands pretty often and i think it`s bullshit.

Luckily there is a shift happening and often people aren`t treated with medication without any other help nowadays; but still 6% of our population is on these antidepressant drugs. I find this number pretty shocking and I think big pharma`s marketing is the main cause for this. They made up a nice story with their serotinin theory and the bad thing is some doctors keep believing it. Why? I guess because it`s the only handle they can grab on to, to explain it to the common people.

But again i believe they could help severe cases. I know some people who are the living proof of that. For years they were suffering from bad anxiety and/or depression and these drugs give them the jump start they needed to work on their lives and fix things. The drugs didn`t fix things, they just helped in the process.

And i`m hoping they will do the same thing for me when i go on them.

04-18-2011, 08:32 PM
Lexapro along with adavan has helped calm me down, but it also makes me tired, which leads to feeling sometimes lazy. Before these medications I tried abilify and it had the opposite effect. I felt extra paranoid and scared. That's just my experience though, so I don't want to scare anyone who is on it.

04-19-2011, 12:51 AM
Before these medications I tried abilify and it had the opposite effect. I felt extra paranoid and scared.

If you DO decide to go the medication route, I would HIGHLY recommend you stay away from antipsychotics (like Abilify, Seroquel, and others). These drugs can have SERIOUS side effects, which can easily be worse than the anxiety you are trying to treat. Furthermore, some side effects (like Tardive Dyskinesia, a movement disorder) can become permanent, even after discontinuing the medication. Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend these days toward using antipsychotics as a first-line treatment for anxiety disorder. But antipsychotics should be used ONLY if ALL other, safer meds have failed.

04-30-2011, 03:46 PM
I`m on fluoxetine for 1,5 weeks now and I must say that so far i`m happy with my choice of starting it. Some of my worst anxiety symptoms (like not being able to think clearly) are improving slowly and tonight I actually enjoyed a diner with my family. The only side effects i`m having is a slight increase of my tinnitus and sensitivity to loud noise, but I believe these are getting better now.

I agree on robbed that anti psychotics are probably not the best choice because they are a lot more harmful then antidepressants and tranquilizers. They also make people numb and apathic. I think the only good reason to use them for anxiety is if no other medication worked or when you`re at the risk of committing suicide (because anti psychotics work a lot faster then antidepressants)

05-01-2011, 07:09 PM
Celexa worked very well for me. Side effects I had from that was very frequent urinating, complete loss of sex drive, and extreme weight gain. I loved it, but my body couldn't take the 40lbs+ gain. Also tried Prozac - actually caused me to have panic attacks. Side effects I had, sleep issues, continued weight gain, continued loss of sex drive.
If you're looking for something and you have GAD try Celexa. Not everyone gains as much weight as I did (my doc actually said its rare to gain THAT much weight, the norm is 10-15lbs).

05-16-2011, 01:22 PM
Hard to pick a best one? But been off meds for years thanks to learning CBT coping skills :)

07-16-2011, 05:22 AM
I have been on anti - depressants, anti - psychotics, and benzos for years and I'm totally addicted. I tried to withdraw fromt he anti - depressant and the symptoms were absolutely horrendous. I now don't know what to do, any ideas?

07-20-2011, 07:00 AM
I am all about my Tranquilene, which isn't so much a medication as an anti-anxiety supplement. I did the drug route for a few years and I'll never go back!

07-20-2011, 01:27 PM
I have been on anti - depressants, anti - psychotics, and benzos for years and I'm totally addicted. I tried to withdraw fromt he anti - depressant and the symptoms were absolutely horrendous. I now don't know what to do, any ideas?

The best way to withdraw from antidepressants is REALLY slowly. Go as slow as you feel like you need to, even if it takes a year (or more) to get off the drug. Remember, this isn't a race. Another thing you can possibly do is replace your antidepressant with a less addictive one, and withdraw from that. For instance, some people find success in withdrawing from highly addictive antidepressants like Paxil or Effexor by switching to Prozac.

07-21-2011, 08:41 AM
I was given Lyrica then Gabapentin, you have to take larger doses but it helps get off benzo's... But it helps it is not the solution. I love how these docs, put me on benzo's 12 yrs. ago, telling me they would change my life. Well, they did I was able to calm down and focus again. Then at some point doctors decide well, you really should not be on a narcotic, lets ween you off and up the prozac. Then you not only get your original anxiety back, you get it times THREE!!!!! I don't have insurance now and I feel like I am treated like scum by the county!

02-19-2012, 10:18 PM
Nardil and Xanax, with Restoril for sleep. I take atenolol too, for my heart (HTN/arrhythmias). I haven't been on Nardil for a few years, doctors don't like prescribing MAO Inhibitors due to side-effects and dietary restrictions. All benzos were used on a PRN basis.

Also phenobarbital 60mg QID helped, doctors don't use phenobarb that much for anxiety anymore.

04-05-2012, 12:41 PM
I have been using natural supplement for anxiety attacks
I have been using l theanine for mental calmness
Inositol for physical anxiety and also take b complex that is my happy pill hope this help

Be brave

04-06-2012, 11:46 AM
SSRIs make me ten times worse. Had such a bad time with citalopram I lasted two days plus one dose on day 3 then it was down the bog, flushed. Talking of which, that dreadful drug th made my face go red then chalk-white when the inevitable palpitations started!
I will list here my top few that all work well, in order of preference. I will include brand name in those cases where brand makes a large difference though nominally exactly the same drug and dosage. Remember also I have suffered GAD & panic disorder since 1976/7.
1.Alprazolam 2mg tds. (Alplax, Ksalol, Xanax)
2.Lorazepam 2.5mg qds. (Metwest generic, Trapax, Temesta)
3.Bromazepam 12mg qds. (Lexilium, Lexotan/il, Anxiocalm)
4.Diazepam 10mg tds/qds, prn. (Terapia, Apaurin, EG generic, Actavis generic)
5.Oxazepam 30mg+ qds (Seresta Forte 50mg, Serepax 30mg, Actavis generic)
I am also prescribed clonazepam (I insist on script specifying Roche Rivotril 2mg tds but also like Torrent Clonotril-2 because it's dispersible in warm water & action onset takes half the time) for Status Epilepticus, but it may be used 'off label' for its powerful anti panic properties. It is a remarkably effective prophylactic for panic disorder. Diazepam 30mg I find best and fastest at quelling an episode of acute panic once it's started. Then an hour later take 3 x 12mg bromazepam tablets and you will remain calm for at least 5 or 6 hrs, without crippling sedation. Continuing with more diazepam would mong you out so much at the equivalent dosage that you'd be unable to do anything bar stare at the ceiling; if you manage to remain conscious, that is! You certainly wouldn't be able to tead or watch TV because you'd be unable to remember the previous paragraph/scene.
Odd that few people if any have mentioned bromazepam at all. I know that in many countries the strongest tablet is the virtually useless (to me) 3mg. Why even bother? I would require to eat about a dozen of those! Yet I see online pharmacies selling 3mg Lexies for $1 per pill. I pay €13 for 50 x 12mg Lexotan or Anxiocalm. Generics are half that price. Belgian prices, by the way. Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol, Hypnocalm) is the other really cheap benzo, costing around €3.50 for 30 x 1mg, €5-6 for 2mg, which strength Roche no longer sell. After using a 2mg 'roofie' for sleep, because of its incredibly long half life, I do not need the first anxiolytic of the day, can wait until after lunchtime!!!

09-09-2012, 07:03 AM
Paxil, clonazepam (as needed).

Clonazapam is my life saver!

09-10-2012, 10:07 AM
I tried Klonopin and because addicted to it. I even had to go to rehab just to get off of the med. I am now very scared to take anything so I am having to just deal with it. It has been very hard because I also have seizures and worry about the side effects of that . I guess the anxiety coming out in me?

09-12-2012, 02:32 PM
On currently on Clozapine. And that has helped me with my issues with anxiety the best.

I've been on other pills to help me with my anxieties. Some of them didn't work. But I have been on pills that did the opposite-they worked too well. My anxieties were too low. As a result, I wasn't worried enough about certain things, such as driving through bad neighborhoods with my car when I travelled the east coast of the U.S. last year.

09-14-2012, 06:24 AM
Ativan. But........ all benzos are very similar after adjusting for half life, potency and speed to onset of action and they way they are metabolized. Saying that one may seem to help a given patient better than another. Alankay