View Full Version : Fear of Reading and Sharing Opinions

08-18-2009, 05:45 PM
I developed a fear of reading when I was around 12 years old due to being bullied. I couldn't focus on reading because I was so concerned with the bullies. While I was in class, I was still concerned with someone talking about me and so on and was not able to pay attention in class.
This still affects me today. I'm afraid to read even silent reading in a small group setting and also afraid to voice out my opinion.

Wondering if anyone has or had a similar experience to me?

08-19-2009, 08:15 AM
Cant say i have ever experianced this and it seems quite unique.

The reason i posted is that this Saturday i was speaking to a trainee Phycologist about Anxiety and he mentioned something that may interest you. He said that in most cases they take people back to there main problem in the past and kind of re-live it but also eliminate the trauma created in that particular time by diverting the mind away from the feeling suffered. This is not word for word but that was the basic jist of what he was saying.

Maybe you should go see a Phycologist and see if they can help you. Im no expert in this kind of thing but i have an open mind on the subject ever since i became ill with Anxiety.

Funny thing is that soon i will be going to see one soon :roll: Will let you know how i get on.

Good luck

08-19-2009, 07:45 PM
I'll put my hand up to this one too, as it was each kids turn to read I would start to panic and dread my turn, I always did everything possible to delay it or put it off and I guess the same age 2.

For me it's the fear of being judged and scrutinized by fellow pupils or the teacher this has gone with me through into my adult life as well, getting in front of people or even reading to someone other than immediate family members.

Mine goes as far as someone standing over me and watching what i do even if that's me working or me typing something out even an email, just being watched causes anxiety.