View Full Version : This sound like anxiety to you?

08-07-2009, 01:29 PM
I know a lot of sleeping issues are associated with anxiety, so consider my problem. Every night I fall asleep fine and very easily. But every morning after 4 or 5 hours or so of sleep I wake up with anxiety and restlessness. I would love to sleep more but this is all the sleep I will get. Trust me, I've tried to sleep longer and it won't happen. It's been happening an extreme amount of time and it never differs. No good days and bad days, no good weeks and bad weeks, every day, for 21 months. Very sleep deprived and frustrated and hopeless. Please feel free to ask questions.

08-09-2009, 05:58 PM
Hello Nate154,

I am a firm believer that the best way to overcome anxiety is through focused concentration, which is often referred to as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. It's not the fast & easy way out, but it is long lasting. Learning how to cope when anxiety arises is, in my opinon, the most effective way to master it. However, you might respond well with some other treatments, such as learning relaxation techniques, avoiding caffeine, exercising earlier in the day and following a very consistent routine at bedtime. Most of us, (even "normal" people), can recall those few nights a year when we sleep straight through the entire night. But for the rest of the year, we wake, we roll over, we might get up to use the bathroom, we shift our pillow around, and then we lie there for a few minutes and drift back to sleep. However it sounds like after your 4 to 5 hour slumber, you are alert and wide awake. While I don't have a background knowledge of circadian patterns, I can suggest that you learn to quiet your mind when it races out of control upon awakening. If you like, I can send you a private message and give you some tips that you might find helpful.

You may find that you want to take the "supplementation" route. Hanino has found much success with this and so have many others who have followed his advice. Also, you may find Northstar's tips to be more fitting for you. Everyone is different and the choices to overcoming your disorder are endless. You can take up a combination of a few or many tips and customize them to suit yourself.

Just know that you are in good company. You're not alone in this and there is hope!