View Full Version : Do Red Dawn X Sleep walker pills work like Clonazapam?

07-31-2009, 11:11 PM
I have taken Clonazapam for the last few months and it has REALLY hellped me in areas of my life. It has helped me be more open and social, and not afraid of other peoples views of me.

However, my doctor is afraid of the addictive nature of the drug, and will not prescribe me anymore.

I recently bought Red Dawn X Sleep Walker pills, and I hear they are excellent anti-anxiety pills.

Any feedback? Can I expect the same results I have seen with Clonazapam?

08-30-2011, 02:35 AM
I have taken Clonazapam for the last few months and it has REALLY hellped me in areas of my life. It has helped me be more open and social, and not afraid of other peoples views of me.

However, my doctor is afraid of the addictive nature of the drug, and will not prescribe me anymore.

I recently bought Red Dawn X Sleep Walker pills, and I hear they are excellent anti-anxiety pills.

Any feedback? Can I expect the same results I have seen with Clonazapam?

Recently I've been exploring the world of legal, non-prescription alternatives to prescription drugs such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, Valium, Buspar, Etc. to treat moderate to severe anxiety. I was previously prescribed Ativan which literally did nothing for me. Then I climbed the ladder to Klonopin, which I'm finding also doesn't have much of a result. I've been taking it as prescribed for around two years now. Obviously I have an expectation to feel some relief from panic attacks, etc. not-to-mention having a rather high tolerance to benzos, so I felt pretty much doomed to a life of taking anti-anxiety meds that don't essentially help me. Xanax was out of the picture, as was Valium. Anyhow, I took a trip to my local Tobacco Accessory purveyor and told them of my dilemma. I read a thread on here earlier. I think the thread started "Are the Effects of RedxDawn Sleepwalkers similar to Klonopin?" Or something similar. I'm sorry I didn't respond directly to the thread. I'm new on here and had a lot to say before I forget. My apologies. Anyhow, to answer that question directly, NO. Not at all. Sleepwalkers are essentially a blend of phenibut, caffeine, vitamins, GABA inhibitors and a large amount of "Proprietary blend" Proprietary blend is likely a pinch of bathsalt and sugar from orange pixie stix packed into blue capsules. moving on. I've taken the Sleepwalker Euphoria Enhancers on several occasions and have had very pleasant results. I did not, however, take them to deal with anxiety. I took them recreationally and had a very pleasant experience. "Dietary Supplements" have essentially always been used for various reasons, but mostly for their appetite suppression and to achieve energy and euphoria alike. So, the pills will make you feel great. Energized. Happy. Euphoric, just as the package says. It is very easy to get carried away, however. Taking more than 4 capsules in 24 hrs will result in some very unpleasant days and evenings. It can also cause mild hallucinations, not the good kind. So, no. I would not suggest abandoning your scripts for novelty party pills. The upside is, for under $10 you can achieve a nice attitude for nearly 12 hrs. There are also proprietary blends known as Zan E Bars (appropriate title) sold at most local Tobacco Pipe shops and online. They come in packs of two large white tablets, each scoured into four sides. Taking two of the pills helped me to relax TREMENDOUSLY. It's a blend of Egyptian blue lotus extract and other natural herbs. I highly recommend them for a benzo-similar effect. It's not overwhelming or habit-forming. Last but not least. Kratom extract. Having been available in Canada for decades, it's just now becoming popular among americans. It produces more of a painkiller-type feeling. Not overwhelming or speedy. A sleepy, relaxed state with deep muscle-relaxant effects. Some people get violently ill when taking Kratom, so no promises. That's the end of my rant. Nothing I've found works greater than the great herb. And remember anything with "X" or "E" hidden in the title are likely referring to uppers, like Ecstasy. Stimulants do not help with anxiety, they simply elate one's mood. I smoked cigarettes for a long time and was having frequent panic attacks. I believed smoking was actually helping me cope, but nicotine was causing me to panic. I don't know. Take it easy, and good luck!

08-30-2011, 02:45 AM
P.S. People in "headshops" have to lie about the effects and purposes for their products, which is sad. They might call it a sex enhancer, or pleasure powder. RedXDawn was involved in the infamous bathsalt scandal afterall. In the long run, all these products are used to party. So don't let them fool you. A product may read "anti-anxiety" and do exactly the opposite. Research everything online first, or from people who know first-hand. RC is nothing more than a mark that proves we're all guinea pigs ;) good luck, man!