View Full Version : vitals with anxiety......What's your's?

07-30-2009, 10:09 PM

07-31-2009, 01:23 PM
Hi hesson81

Not everyone with anxiety has high blood pressure. And those with high blood pressure don't necessarily have anxiety.

When one is having a panic attack, yes, during that specific attack, their blood pressure will increase from their normal rate and their heart rate will accelerate. But it will return to normal once the panic attack has subsided (could take anywhere roughly between a few minutes to a few hours).

Keep in mind that there are people out there experiencing panic attacks who generally have a nice, good, "low" normal reading of blood pressure. When their pressure increases during an attack, it still can be lower than yours, (although higher than their normal).

True, blood pressure is normally elevated due to stress. It is also elevated based on your race, genetic history, and over all health. Smoking, being overweight, lack of exercise, etc. can elevate one's blood pressure, but that's not to say that everyone who smokes or is overweight or sedentary has high blood pressure.

Your pulse rate is good. Your systollic is a little bit above the desired number but your diastolic is good.

08-02-2009, 05:48 AM

08-12-2009, 12:03 PM
My blood pressure has been an issue for 2 years now since during my pregnancy it rose to 180/120 several times. I think the worry over this has caused my anxiety problems. My BP is now fine and I check it regularly at home, during an attack it is usually normal, sometimes slightly high.

A BP reading of 150/75 should not cause you any lightheadedness or other symptoms. When mine was at its highest while pregnant I felt completely fine and normal.

Just wish i felt normal now!!