View Full Version : Anxiety Meds

07-29-2009, 10:58 AM
Hello All,

I am new to the forum. I come seeking advice. I have had Anxiety of some form it seems like my entire life. I am a male that is 33 years old. I am finding simple things like driving to work in the morning or going places only a few miles from my house extremely difficult. A lot of the time I feel pretty bad (stomach aches, light headedness, indigestion). I've been to multiple doctors and they all say I am perfectly healthy. I have sleep apnea and I am about 40lbs over weight. I'm working on the weight thing. A lot of the time I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I don't know how to have fun anymore. Even things like video games which I know I enjoy I try to avoid because I know that sitting on my butt isn't good for me. I believe that part of my problem is that I am extremely sensitive to my body when things feel wierd or different it causes anxiety. I've tried some meds and psychologists but nothing has worked for me thus far. I am going back to my psychologist tonight. I hope it helps. Ok well after all this here is my question. lol I am trying to find the right med for me. I have tried Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, Luvox, and Lexapro. I have noticed side effects with them that I can't have. The Zoloft, Effexor, Lexapro, and Luvox all caused me to feel awful, have insomnia and miss work. I am at the point where I need a med but I can't miss work with it. The Celexa seemed to work ok. I think I weened myself onto it slowly. I was able to function but it didn't seem to help my anxiety much. I am really at wits end because I don't want to miss anymore work but I know I need to get on something to help me out. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you!

Feelbetter :)

07-29-2009, 11:10 AM
I do currently take xanax when I am feeling extremely anxious. I believe I am taking .25 in a shot. It does not make the anxiety go away. But it does seem to take the edge off a bit. I'm scared to take a larger dose because I don't want to be drowsy.

Another question. Does the program at the link on the top of this page actually work? I don't feel like spending money on another scam.