View Full Version : Is it really anxiety?

07-08-2009, 05:01 AM
Well it all started 3 to 4 months ago. I had just started holidays from university. One day out of the blue I got this overwhelming feeling go through my body, almost like a wave going from my head to my toes, my heart felt like it was thumping outside my chest and my left arm felt really weak. I was also getting pins and needles, my joints were hurting and tight throat like I couldn't get enough air and a cough. I had never felt anything like it before so naturally it scared the crap out of me. It happened a few times throughout the day and it seemed to get worse when I went to bed, was even waking me up in the middle of the night. I seen my doctor and she did a blood test and it all came back clear, she seemed to think it was probably a virus. It seemed to get worse over the weeks so my dr sent me to a neurologist. By this time I was also getting muscle soreness, some dizzy spells and chest pains. I had an MRI which came back clear and neuro of my brain and he seemed to think I suffered from painless migraines with aura and that the rest of the symptoms that I was getting was from anxiety.
Since then my symptoms are always changing. I looked at the symptom checklist thread and believe t or not I have had just about every symptom listed at some point. The worst I am experiencing at the moment is foggy head sore scalp, blocked ears, muscle soreness and pins and needles. I also can't concentrate and feel nausiated throughout most of the day. I am starting to feel depressed because I am scared that I have something that the dr hasn't picked up and I feel like I am going to die sometimes. Sleeping has been incredibly hard as I am scared I won't wake up in the morning.

The doctors are convinced it is anxiety but how do I convince myself that that is what it is.

Can you have anxiety without having something traumatising happen to you recently?

and how can my body make me feel this way without doing harm to me?

One of the symptoms I am getting at the moment is tingling and soreness around my veins. When they tingle and are sore I notice that they are more visible, is this an anxiety symptom?

I am so stressed out at the moment and struggling to believe that I am not going to die.

Sorry about the long post.