View Full Version : really dizzy

06-25-2009, 10:26 PM
for the past two days ive been very dizzy and its difficult to get up. does anyone else have this spontaneous dizzy spell thing is this really from anxiety. or could it possibly be a brain tumor i dont know. plz help :unsure:

06-26-2009, 04:51 AM
Yes i have this, it does get easier but takes a long time to clear up will for me anyway.

Things to do for you are pretty simple:

1. Stay away from all forms of suger.
2. Dont have anything with caffine in.
3. ly down for a while
4. Take a shower (no idea why this helps but it does)

If you find things are bad go to your Doctor and ask for some stemetil this helped me alot.

06-30-2009, 09:58 AM
I feel dizzy every day...everyone i talk to says its only anxiety. i do feel anxious every day but the dizziness only adds to that. I fear the worst too so i can understand how you feel. i always want to run to the doctor but i feel like they will just tell me the same thing. Take a few deep breaths and try drinking some non-caffeinated tea. it may help.

06-30-2009, 12:55 PM
Great tips.

Instead of taking deep breaths though, perhaps you can try using the paper bag method. I used to get dizzy because I would take too many deep breaths. Equalizing the oxygen and carbon dioxide in my body helped a great deal. Breathing in a paper bag would help with this.

The symptoms of anxiety are bad, but I always tell people they are just there to distract you from dealing with real problems.

When you have an anxiety disorder your body is super sensitive to every stimulus. Everything is scary...

I have not had a panic attack in a long time... the other day I went to Universal studios and it was the first time I was going to ride the hulk... For me, this brings on some amount of anxiety. I began to notice the usual anxiety symptoms. Realizing that I was taking many deep breaths, I blew out as far as I could and took a breath in and held it. This helped a bit. Of course once I got on the ride and had a blast I was okay :)

I don't know if this helps with your problem though.

Please send me a PM if you need any clarification or if you just want to chat about your anxiety.

