View Full Version : can't think propally

boif d
06-10-2009, 06:05 AM
my mind feels fucked. life feels like a dream nothing seems real anymore. i can't sleep propally because my mind goes in to limbo thoughts pop it to my head and i dont know how they get there my mind feels like its lost in the woods what do i do?

06-10-2009, 07:00 AM
hey there. what you are going through is perfectly normal for anxiety sufferers. i go through that too. what are you worried about most of the time??

what you should do is - stick to a healthy balanced lifestyle even though its hard!, and go to the dr to refer you to a psychologist that specialises in anxiety - trust me.. it helps.

a few months ago i thought my life was over... but i have been through hell and back had nearly every anxiety symptom there is and i thought i was going INSANE.

but trust me, surround yourself in people you love and that love YOU.
tell them what you feel - its important to speak out but only to people you TRUST.

if you wanna talk, just comment me back :)

we are all in this together.. take care and God bless!

06-10-2009, 09:04 PM
months ago i was the same could not sleep properly ...
Well i used to wake up in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep.
My therapist is helping me a lot and i have seen so much positive over the last months... I thought a while back that i will never got out of anxiety.
I' m feeling better about it ... And keep positive...
I used to have anxiety really bad that i wa getting ready to cut my job... But i did not...
I also found a great doctor who been helping me a lot.
Good luck do not hesitate to e mail me if you need some reassurance or help...
You can beat anxiety..