View Full Version : Body vibrating

05-10-2009, 01:33 AM
Hey everyone..

I've been dealing with anxiety disorder in a serious way for the past year and a half or so, and thought I had pretty much gotten down all the signs and symptoms, and known when I was under stress, but something new's been going on the past week or so, and it's got me really worried.

I've been having vibrating or thrumming type sensations through my legs and arms mostly, but sometimes in my butt and lower back as well. I don't notice it when I'm moving around, but sitting or lying in bed it's noticeable. In a year and a half since the onset of my full anxiety disorder, I've never had this before that I can remember, and I've been sitting here thinking of Parkinson's or MS or who knows what else.

Has anyone else had this as part of anxiety disorder symptoms?

05-10-2009, 08:08 PM
DONT WORRY!! This happens to me all the time!!! And another thing googling symptoms or going on webmd=Bad idea you'll probably just end up in a panic attack by the end of it after seeing that you could have ms or something that it is very unlikely for you to have! Theres a sticky for a list of symptoms, you should look it over the shaking and vibrating you descirbed is on there! hope I helped! :)

05-11-2009, 02:20 AM
No need to worry about this one however you must do something about it.

What is happening here is that your body has been stripped of Magnesium causing muscle tremors. What your body will do once low on Magnesium is take it from the non vital muscles, such as your leg muscles and take the magnesium to your vital organs hence you have muscle tremors.

You should go and get some Magnesium suppliment as soon as you can, i did this a little late so it took longer to go away.