View Full Version : The end of the road......

05-05-2009, 01:49 PM
Last night I decided to end it all. I have had enough of being a burden on my wife and children. Anxiety and panic attacks and depression have destruyed me right down to my soul but the problem is I dont have the courage to kill myself. I am now faced with the fact that there is not an easy way out for me and I am really scared to go on living. I feel it would be better for my wife and children if I leave them because I am only dragging them down. Am I selfish??

05-05-2009, 02:04 PM
You can beat any problem if you put your mind to it.

Look at me, I thought i was going to die only a few months ago and now i feel on top of the world because i refused to be beaten to the ground by a so called illness.

Dude your wife Married you for a reason and she will always stand by you whatever. You need to bring up your children to have the most out of life and so can you if you take that stand and just ask for help, there is no shame in that.

Find the answer and you will provail :)

The people on this forum are all here because they have a problem in one way or another, together we help each other through problems and many including me hit success.

Please dont be afraid to ask for help, take things one at a time

05-05-2009, 07:46 PM
Most of my anxiety has to do with my dad leaving when i was younger, don't do it your kids need you, you wouldnt want this for them!

05-06-2009, 10:09 AM
Youd family needs you an you do need to stay with them.
Leaving will not solved any problems.
I went that path with Anxiety... there's a road to recovery for all of us no matter how long it takes sometimes a little while sometimes longer but Anxiety will soon go away.
There 's a cure whenever you think it's not possible it's possible. I' m sure that leaving your family will make matter worst, your kids and wife needs you.

Penny Owen
05-06-2009, 11:25 AM
Don't kill yourself - that is most definitely not the solution to your problem.
Look at the problem in a different way ... what can you learn from this challenge - because you can and will solve it. You can do whatever you want to do - we humans are more powerful than we think. A single thought is all it takes ... a life affirming thought. Even a 'I won't do this for the sake of my wife and children'. You can and willl turn it around ... when you choose to. Positive people make things happen, negative people don't. You choose! Think about all the good things about life and not the bad ones. Pray for the good things to come back into your life. Appreciate that the glass is half full as well as half empty. People prevail in the most dire circumstances. Mostly because they decide they want to.
Hope this helps, even if only a wee bit!

05-07-2009, 02:57 AM
i know that hope is something you really dont have right now but i promise promise promise you that things WILL get better. i had a really rough year, for months i was depressed, i would just lay around, all i wanted to do was sleep because when i was awake i was miserable, i wasnt eating, life for me was so completely horrible because i had anxiety about the love of my life. i worried about it for a good 6 months before it started to get better, but now im alot alot better. i am here to tell you that no matter what you think it will NOT be like this forever & it WILL improve. your family NEEDS and LOVES you, don't leave them, go to your wife for support, im sure she loves you and would do anything to help.

05-07-2009, 09:11 AM
[quote="fecks11 Am I selfish??[/quote]

Straight answer - yes, yes you are if you do that!!

Why does your family deserve to be put through that grief and the risk of your children developing anxiety and having a ruined life because of your actions?

We all have difficulties and problems, we all think at some point there is no way out an that life is too difficult but we get over it or learn to live with it, think about how you believe your life is hard and then take a long hard look at children in wheelchairs, people that are dying of illness that dont want to die and leave their families, people that have become disabled after an accident or those that have lost their business/job, house etc if those people can be strong so can you.

You seriously need to get a grip and talk to someone professional about how your feeling and look at the positives in your life, like the fact that you have a family (I know several people that would give anything just to be able to have children but nature decided they cant). In the grand scheme of things having your life ruined with anxiety is not a reason to commit suicide.

05-07-2009, 06:41 PM
So you think that killing yourself will make them feel better? Think about, do you really want your kids to carry in their conscience that their father committed suicide? Do you think your wife can take care of them by herself? Yes you are being selfish my friend. They need you a lot more than you might think. Tell me, what is a greater fear if not death itself? Anxiety messes with your head my brother, I have had those exact same thoughts as you before and I too was convinced that death was the solution. Now a few months latter I cannot fathom the fact that those thoughts ever crossed my mind. Please don't do it, think of how you will greatly affect your family and how much they will miss you. I always wished I had grown up with my father but I didn't have that privilege don't take that away from your kids.

05-14-2009, 07:13 AM
Don't do it!!!!!
My mum tried to commit suicide (and failed - thank God) when I was in my late teens.
She was extremely depressed and felt she just couldn't go on.
My sister and I were beside ourselves. We rushed her to the hospital and they were able to revive her - that was over 20 years ago and she's enjoying her life greatly now. I'm so glad to have her around - just as I'm sure your kids will want you in their lives.
Please believe that you can get better. I am struggling with my own demons, but I don't want to give up because I love my kids and husband so much, I could never think of leaving them. I will keep on trying everything until I find the formula that will let me lead a happy life.
I know that the same can be done for you. Therapists, medications, meditation groups. You know - there are people all over the world that are able to deal with life in such a happy-go-lucky way and I've always wondered how they do it. I've never been a religious person, but the more I think about it - the people who seem happiest have paid attention to their spiritual side. Not necessarily to sign up to a church, but to get in touch with the "higher side" of ourselves. Would you ever consider Yoga, meditation or even acupuncture as a way of relieving your stress? I think they are worth a try if you're feeling at the end of your rope.
I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that you'll find that silver lining you're looking for.
I'll be thinking of you.