View Full Version : Weak

05-03-2009, 03:03 PM
Ok this is just reassurance more than anything, i went out last night and only had 3-4 beers, i came home around 2am and went to sleep, i woke a couple of times during the night but straight back to sleep i went. I was woken around 11am and have been awake all day, but for some reason my body feels as though its really really lethargic, not tired but just as though they have no energy whatsoever, its starting to concern me really as ive had sugar intake in the form of Lucozade isotonic, and a milkshake.

Any body else experience this or any explanations?

05-05-2009, 07:33 AM
Hi Rustyice,

You need to stay well away from alchol if you suffer from Anxiety, it will strip your body of vitamins very fast and play havoc with your body.

Suger rushes are a no no, just make sure you have a good heathy diet and all will be well.

05-05-2009, 11:52 AM
Cheers, i didnt realise that alcohol had such massive effects on your body. I also thought that enough sugar may keep me active and awake. Cheers. mate. :)