View Full Version : quick question

02-05-2006, 03:46 PM
i was carrying a heavy saw with my dad about an hour ago and since then i have felt really weak and shaky like i was gonna pass out. is this because my body is so run down from anxiety or does it have nothing to do with anxiety?, also my heart doesnt just beat fast just when im having an attack it beats fast if i just get up from sitting down, my arms and legs seem achy, im sure this is all anxiety but i keep thinking i have cancer or something wrong with my brain or something any input would be nice thanx - Caseman

02-05-2006, 10:55 PM
you sound just run down from the anxiety your body all jelly like carrying a saw huh knowing me i probably would have freaked out thinking crazy things bout it lol but neway not to worry no cancer or anythin serious just run down just gotta take it slow eat your wheaties and do the push ups you'll be straight your bud leftie :goodjob:

02-06-2006, 09:17 AM
hey, i used to do removals work in the summer, and lifting heavy stuff combined with anxiety definatly takes its toll! You just gotta keep ur fluids up and not panic!

02-06-2006, 09:48 AM
thanx for the replies guys much appreciated ill try and keep up on my fluids and protien...i just cant ever get the thought that im dying from something out of my head lol but watever i guess ill have to deal take it easy - Caseman

02-06-2006, 10:31 AM
Hey caseman - When I had anxiety for more than a couple of days (or weeks), my body seemed like it was getting over the flu....weak, shaky and my limbs felt like jello. Even though I ran 4-5 miles almost daily and did a little weight lifting (I'm a girl), just standing up and walking to another room would make me dizzy and weak....and if I was lifting something, I felt like I couldn't breathe and my heart raced so freakin hard my chest hurt....I'd have to grab on to something to steady myself.

I always have Gatorade and these protein bars (Zone Bars) around, cause anxiety seems to deprive you from everything but your soul.

I'm sure you're fine....It's the anxiety....Takes quite a toll on the body and mind. Couldn't hurt to see a doc and have some blood work done; may put your mind at ease. I use to think my heart was sooner or later gonna give out because of how fast and how hard it would pound....and for so long. I had some tests done and my heart was fine and it still is.....It was all due to anxiety. Did I mention the ulcers? Oh, and cancer doesn't have those type of symptoms unless you're bedridden with it....so try to let go of that thought if ya can. I know it's hard. But I'm pretty sure physically you're ok. Anxiety cannot kill you.... just makes you feel like you are. I've read that a lot and my doc said it too.

I’m so sorry you’re feeling bad. My stomach is aching from some anxiety I had over this past week :sick: .
So, it’s just me and my Maalox taking it easy on the couch!

Electrolytes, protein, water and rest for you, sweetie!
Sending you peaceful thoughts :content: ,


02-06-2006, 12:22 PM
thanx soshy,
you always reassure me, it means alot. i think i am going to go to the doc and just have some tests done so i stop thinking about it so much. i had an ekg done for my heart and it is perfectly fine. and im sure if i had something physically wrong with me my symptoms wouldnt change they would be the same thing all the time and one of my newest stupid thoughts is haunting me. my mom had my little brother about 4 years ago and now i keep thinking that God had my mom have him becuase im going to die. i hate thinking like that. well anyway thank you and hope your stomach ache gos away take care and ttyl - Caseman

02-06-2006, 03:14 PM
Oh, you poor thing - When we have anxiety, we also have an incredible imagination, almost like were gifted. If we all got together we could write a block-buster blow out script for a movie and become billionaires.

For about ten years, I truly believed I would not live past 30 yrs-of-age; that I would die at age 29. Now keep in mind this was during the high anxiety years, and back then they (docs) didn't know squat about how to treat anxiety. My mind raced from one thought to the next and back around again :o . I was tireless when it came to panicky thoughts. Well, I'm over thirty and anxiety is pretty much in the past now - thank God, and my therapist and doc. I bet I really wore them out! I don't know who is more happy with my success them or me :D !!! I think they use to have to take a nap after their sessions with me :tongue: :!:

Sweetie, I know it's hard to change thought patterns; but keep this in mind - people who suffer with anxiety are usually very considerate, giving and loving people. I believe God has us here for a reason and to keep us around for a long time - that means you also :halo: ;) :!:


p.s. Does ttyl mean Teensy, Tiny Yellow Lilies? Really, I don't know what that means. I don't computer chat, so I gave it my best guess. Let me know what it means. Stop laughing - I can hear you!

02-06-2006, 03:31 PM
LMAO!Soshy your awesome great sense of humor you gotta have that to get through anxiety but it mean talk to you later which i'm such we all will i was curious what was the one main thing you did to get your obsessive scary thinking to subside i'm sure we're all curious keep on laughin all :lol: