View Full Version : chest & anxiety

04-21-2009, 01:36 PM

I have been on my own for a few days now,
But i have a pain in my chest that started today, im am worried its something serious and the more i think about it the more anxious i get about going to bed later in case i dont wake up in the morning its really frightening me

Please reply

04-22-2009, 02:56 AM
Hi Gemma,

Chest pain is where it all started for me and is one of the key symtoms of Anxiety. Many Doctors had checked out my chest pain and came back with nothing at all as most people who get this seem to get the same from their Doctors.

You will probably thinking oh my god its a heart attack waiting to happen, thats where the rollercoaster starts with panic.

One day i was traveling home from work and it had been hurting me all day then it popped in my mind "why dont i try a Rennie" so i went to the nearest supermarket bought some and within an hour it had almost completely gone!!! Took some more over a couple of days even though it was not there just to be sure and it has never come back.

There is no harm in trying this so its always worth a try. If it goes then you can rest your mind and start your road to recovery much faster which im currently heading firmly down.