View Full Version : When to take my Xanax

03-20-2009, 06:38 PM
I just recently had my first major anxiety attack and went to the doctors yesterday. He prescribed me with Zoloft (once daily) and Xanax .5mg 2 times a day, when needed.

Well the first day I had my attack it got so bad and I had to deal with it for 3 hours before getting any meds. It took 1.5mg of Xanax to bring my heart back to normal.

The second day (before seeing the doctor) I ended up using a think 2-3mg of Xanax (took 1 pill at 3 seperate times). Well that got me through the day, but barely.

Yesterday I saw the doctor and ended up taking 3 .5mg pills over the course of the day. I know he said take 2, but I was still having major issues so I took one extra.

Today when I woke up I was having a small attack. I ended up taking a .5mg pill and then feeling a bit better. After getting to work I had a major attack again though. I almost asked to leave work but decided to fight it out. Turns out, it was the best thing I could have done. I feel great now and it's about 8:15pm. Well my co-worker is leaving at 8:30pm and I'll be here by myself until 11:30pm so I took another pill right now because when I'm here by myself it's still a bit scary. Hopefully it will stop any attack I might of otherwise had because I know it's a stressful situation for me.

My question is this...

Is it normal to have an attack out of the blue like this, then have to take Xanax every day to cope with it short term?

Does it get any better as I get over the initial attack and realize that I'm going to be just fine?

I'm already learning ways to combat the nervous feeling that precedes the actual attack and it's working very well. Combined with this, I feel like I can really get control over this.

Also, when should I take the Xanax. Should I take it long before I know I'll be in a trigger situation, or what until I feel the onset of the attack? The problem I have with waiting is that I usually get myself so worked up about it, that the Xanax takes a very long time to really calm me down all the way.

I'm not sure if that's because of the .5mg dosage, or because I'm adding so much more stress to the attack from the mental state I put myself in.

Thank you so much.

04-02-2009, 11:09 PM
I can only speak from my disorder but I take one xanax every morning and klonopin 3x a day. Xanax stops (or should stop) any panic attack in its tracks but at least in my case xanax only stays in your system for 4 hours. klonopin stays in your system longer 6-7 hours but for me I also need prozac or lexapro to balance it out and I'm actually starting lexapro tomorrow.

eventually I'd like to be off xanax completely and down to one klonopin a day but my doctor said it will take a while to get there.

I carry one xanax on me all the time in case I feel a panic attack starting. But usually I just take one pill first thing in the morning.

Ask your doctor though.

04-03-2009, 11:32 AM
Is it normal to have an attack out of the blue like this, then have to take Xanax every day to cope with it short term?

It's completely normal for people with panic disorder to have random panic attacks of varying severity. Coping with Xanax for the short-term is okay. As long as you speak with your doctor honestly and openly, then there should not be a problem. I know you've probably been warned about the addicting nature of Xanax, rightfully so. You also need to be honest about the dose your taking so that your doctor may adjust it. So far your usage is starting to climb, and you don't want to build a strong tolerance. Strong tolerance means the drug won't be as effective, not a good thing.

Does it get any better as I get over the initial attack and realize that I'm going to be just fine?

Yes that's completely normal. Your mind is trained by now that Xanax will relieve the panic. So although the drug may not be in your system completely, your mind is more at ease. That's good, but that's also how psychological dependence forms.

I'm already learning ways to combat the nervous feeling that precedes the actual attack and it's working very well. Combined with this, I feel like I can really get control over this.

Excellent. Knowing what triggers your panic is key in fighting the disorder. Being comfortable in your work environment without worrying about panic will definatly help you keep your life normal, while trying to sort this out.

Also, when should I take the Xanax. Should I take it long before I know I'll be in a trigger situation, or what until I feel the onset of the attack? The problem I have with waiting is that I usually get myself so worked up about it, that the Xanax takes a very long time to really calm me down all the way.

It seems your fighting the fear of fear. Its a vicious cycle that happens when you're vulnerable to having panic attacks. For your well-being, I personally would recommend NOT taking the Xanax before the onset of panic. Try and cope through the panic as well, bite the bullet. This is cliche advice, but I've been coping with the disorder for years. However, if It starts to effect your work and life too much, absolutely take the Xanax. That's what its there for.

I'm not sure if that's because of the .5mg dosage, or because I'm adding so much more stress to the attack from the mental state I put myself in.

Dosages can ALWAYS be adjusted, and there is plenty of other medication out there. Instead of taking more than you're prescribed, take the 0.5mg as directed until you can speak with your doctor about dosage adjustments. The worst thing is coming up short on your prescription at the end of the month because you took more than you were prescribed one week. (Trust me, its happened to me too many times).

So my advice to you would be this -- Keep taking the Xanax as needed. Try not to bump the dose too much, or else you'll build tolerance which is the last thing you need. The Xanax can be increased. Talk to your doctor about Clonazepam (Klonopin). Klonopin is in the same class of medications as Xanax, however it's half life is much longer. Xanax has a half-life of 4-6hrs, where as Clonazepam has a half-life of 8-12hrs (some sources say up to 24hrs). Basically, this means the Clonazepam will stay in your system longer, and ideally will reduce the medication intake you need.

Never be afraid to tell your doctor a dose or medication isn't working. Be opened and honest about your usage, especially when it comes to drugs like Xanax.

Hope this helps. More questions are welcomed. I know exactly how you feel.

04-05-2009, 06:31 AM
As someone who has been taking Xanax for close to 10 years all I can say is try to avoid taking a regular dose at a regular time as your body will get used to it and you will need to take more of it. I have managed over the years been able to get myself down to 1.25 mg per day, but I take it at regular times and can really feel withdrawal kicking in if I miss my time even by 30 mins which creates anxiety in itself. Xanax is fantastic at stopping an attack in its tracks though, I hope you are able to get your panic under control soon