View Full Version : Why?

03-02-2009, 08:45 AM
Ok I have posted this in the off-topic dicussion part but I am going to re-post it in here because this is the busiest sub-forum on the whole board :)

Hellp Me why do you keep posting topics all over the forum about different things? I understand you are having a tough time and lots of thoughts are going through your head but I think a lot of us are the same way too. Please just try not to keep making new topics about different things all the time, if you want to talk to someone about your problems and thoughts then please do so but try and do it with someone either in person or over email or MSN. I am not criticising you in any way but if you look in this off-topic dicussion forum you have posted many many new topics with different subjects of whats happened to you or what is on your mind, theres hardly anything else on it.

03-02-2009, 09:17 AM
Yes and most of them involve the word "hate" !!

I appreciate that Help Me thinks she has problems but lets face it most of them are not really worthy of comment hence why no one ever replies and if someone does reply she appears to completely ignore it and begin with another one line involving something she hates.

03-02-2009, 04:16 PM
i agree it's frustrating, but i also don't really tend to respond to the posts because i believe either

1 - help_me is a LOT younger than she claims, doesn't quite have the same levels of maturity as most people here and is unable to put her problems in perspective, if this is the case then hopefully she'll grow wiser as she grows older


2 - help_me has more mental difficulties that we imagine, a lot more than anxiety/depression that make it impossible for her to view the world in the same way that we do. possibly something like aspergers or autism, i'm just giving examples really. if this is so then i hope she gets the help she needs.

i personally think the best policy is to just not respond, like you would do with an attention seeking child, that way eventually she may learn that the behaviour is not really acceptable to others & will either change her ways or move on. i come to this board to help people who are suffering like i used to, but sometimes there is only so much that you can give before getting frustrated :(