View Full Version : Sick & tired of being sick & tired...... i am there

02-19-2009, 12:55 PM
My name is Marko and i live in North Carolina USA i am 38 yrs old and i have been getting panic anxiety attacks since i was 10. Last night i didn't sleep even five minutes i was up all night worrrying am i going to die pass out YOU ALL KNOW THE DRILL! I could have used someone to talk to so i am reaching out lending myself to help anyone who suffers like i do and feels like there is no hope or they are alone. I will be there for you 24/7 to talk to so that we can all feel connected and prove that we are not freaks or weak minded . Here is my email address contact me anytime day or night. [email protected]

God bless you all.


02-20-2009, 01:07 AM
This is really nice of you Marko. I'm here also if anyone needs someone to talk to. You can PM me also.