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02-18-2009, 04:15 PM
hello, my names mark. Im 20 years old and i've had anxiety for about 5 months.

It all started out when i had a drug induced seizure (damn do i regret that now), and for the weeks after that i was worried i would have another one, hence what gave me anxiety.

now my life's a little better because ive found out theres hope although i still have anxiety.

The past few months however have been really bad as my anxiety only depends on my health, im constantly worrying if im going to die from a stroke or a heart attack, i get random pains all over my body and very sore heads. Doctors think im making it all up, which seems to happen all too much throughout the world.

Im just glad that there are other people who suffer from anxiety because i thought i was going a bit nuts myself thinking i was the only person like this.

In a few weeks im going to be trying the linden method for curing my anxiety, any feedback on this would be apprecaited.

02-24-2009, 02:39 PM
I have never heard of the Linden method. However, I can empathize somewhat with your drug-induced seizure. Not personally, but it happened to my brother. My brother was doing a LOT of drugs, and he ended up having spinal seizures that lasted about 2 months. He had a bleed in the back of his brain for awhile and has not been right since. Nothing he says makes sense. He is homeless and travelling around the country with no purpose or happiness. I just wanted to try to shed light on your situation. You are blessed and have been given a second chance. You will be able to work with the anxiety with the right help. :) What kind of drugs were you using to cause the seizure? Also, are you still using them (I don't judge at all.)

02-25-2009, 11:24 AM
It was cyclozine tablets 25mb, i took about 22 of them. my friend however took 40 of them and was fine.

and no, i might take drugs but im no idiot i immediately stopped taking the tablets and almost every drug aswell, all i do now is smoke ciggy's and drink every now and then.

im glad i never got it as bad as your brother, and which im sorry to hear about