View Full Version : Anxiety and now sick

02-03-2009, 07:24 PM

I was doing great controlling my anxiety and then I catch the cold my husband had. I'm congested and I can't stop coughing. My chest and lungs hurt. My blood pressure was up high this morning when I went to the Dr office and now I'm checking my pulse again. I'm sticking around 100 today or higher and normally I fall in the 70's to 80's. Of course this is worrying me and my anxiety is kicking in.

How frustrating. The only thing I can think of is that me being sick is stressing my body in turn raising my already high BP even higher. Then my anxiety kicks in starting my heart palpitations and racing heart. I find that when I cough my heart rate goes up.

Those of you with anxiety, how do you or did you handle being sick?

02-04-2009, 07:00 AM
Java the one thing that I have learned from having anxiety is not to check your pulse. I used to check my pulse every minute of the day and I would get panic attacks 5-6 times a day because I was trying to diagnose mysef. It is normal for your heart rate to go up a bit when you cough,you have nothing else but a cold. Let me give you some tips, don't check your pulse, and don't worry about your cold and I bet your anxiety won't be at a high level.

02-08-2009, 02:13 AM
I found something that says if your mind is saying "what if...." or "why" you are supposed to tell it to shut up. It's hard to do, I have to do it about 70 times a day, but I haven't had a "full blown" panic attack since I started doing that.

02-17-2009, 01:14 AM
Hey there Java..

My suggestions echo what the others have provided. you gotta tell yourself not to worry too much. For every problem in this world, there is always someone who can attend to it. If you're sick,go see a doctor. Try not to administer your own treatments/solutions to your problems simply because we may not know the scale of our problems..and then,we'll start to worry MORE than we necessarily should. Don't put more load to what you already have.

It is at best left to the professionals..

Wish you well Java. :)