View Full Version : Bad Few Months

02-03-2009, 11:09 AM
I have been fighting anxiety problems my entire life. Many times severe. Started early years of grade school now I am in my late thirties. Usually I will have a like two week episode where I am just worried sick about something then it passes tell the next episode.

I recently had a break up with a girl. Known and briefly dated her off and on for years. This time she said she was getting her life together and off drugs and wanted to go out with me again. I tried not to get too attached to her but I did. It really helped me to spend time with her and her kids. A hug from her was almost all I needed to get over a bad day. I got the boot when a previous boyfriend showed up best I can figure. Not sure what really happened. Perhaps I did something wrong. If history repeats itself I do not rule out we will be back together.

I feel just terrible. Worse now then bit over a month ago when it happened. Whatever happened. Been coping by drinking few beers in bar every night. Usually don't get drunk but its just too lonely sitting home byself. Drinking few beers every night cannot be too healthy though it makes me feel better. Just a few years back it was incredibly rare I drank anything during the week.

Few years back when I had a bad episode doctor put me on Zoloft. Felt better after couple weeks but I am not sure if it was Zoloft or the episode just passed. After being on it for couple months I got tired of calling in to get refills and just quit taking it. That resulted in a severe headach for over a week. I went back in for a check up and got them to prescribe it again. Perhaps it is a mistake. I just feel too bad right now not to do anything though. Any chance the Zoloft will kick in in a few days?


02-05-2009, 03:34 AM
hi x123, sorry to hear about your breakup and the difficult times you're going through right now. just wondering if you've spoken to anyone about this, it might be a good idea to talk to a counsellor, so you can talk it out and deal with it and learn to cope with the stress. you might be surprised by how much it can help.

also, take a look at this post: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087 it's a guide to all the kinds of things you can do to help with your anxiety, you might find something helpful in it :)

also please be aware that alcohol can create anxiety and can make you feel worse, so while you're feeling so down it might be a good idea to give it a miss for a while. i know you say it makes you feel better, but it's not an actual solution & in truth it doesn't help at all. but i think you already know that.

as for the meds, i don't know how long they will take to kick in. it should give you an idea on the leaflet that came with the drugs, or if you ask your doctor they might be able to give you an idea. i think the problem is that they are different for everyone and there's no real way of know when or if they will work.

ok i'll stop waffling, i really hope you're feeling better soon. do what you need to do to take care of yourself and please let us know how you're doing :)

02-05-2009, 11:43 AM
Been coping by drinking few beers in bar every night. Usually don't get drunk but its just too lonely sitting home byself. Drinking few beers every night cannot be too healthy though it makes me feel better. Just a few years back it was incredibly rare I drank anything during the week.

Northstar is right, drinking only increases anxiety and is an unhealthy way of dealing with anxiety. Try socializing in different places like church (if you are religious), anxiety meetings (if you can attend them), or other places where people are in a healthier frame of mind.

Exercise and proper dieting can be of great benefit in helping to reduce anxiety. It sounds also that you might benefit from counseling (I took it once and found it VERY beneficial). It really helps to have someone to talk to, but counselors have the added benefits of being able to understand, and they usually have a good idea of how to help you work your way into a better place in life.

Hope this helps...and hang in there in the meantime!