View Full Version : Missed Dosage for Two Days - Side Effects Anyone?

01-27-2009, 11:44 AM
I completely forgot to refill my medication and missed my dosage for two days. Anyone had any side-effects from this? I know it is common for someone to have withdrawal symptoms if abrubtly stopping their SSRI's but has anyone had any side effects from jus' two days? The reason I ask is because I woke up feeling a little panicky last night and it's been months since I've felt that way.


01-27-2009, 03:36 PM
This is, of course, purely a matter of semantics. But side effects, by definition, can ONLY result from taking a drug. If you have not taken it for a couple of days, then you cannot be experiecing side effects. Withdrawal is likely, and typically starts within a few days of the last dosage.

01-03-2010, 11:29 AM
SSRI or SNRI withdrawal is common with medications with short half lives (such as Effexor and Paxil) even after missing ONE day.

When I was on Effexor, if I was even a few hours late taking a dose the next day, I would get bad 'brain zaps' but nothing that would effect my mood.