View Full Version : When will it get better...Fustration...

01-24-2009, 04:55 PM
At first it seems minor but now it's almost daily. For me now I get the pounding fast heart beat and I get weak and tired. Sometimes I get the tingles. The rushing has gone and so has the electric shocks. I've only been on meds for a week so I have a long journey ahead of me.

The thing I dread most is the night time because I'm always awaken by the shaking. It's an internal bothersome shaking that I feel in my chest and stomach. It's there and I can feel it. I don't want to say shiver like being cold, it's a small continuous shaking. It goes away once I get out of bed. It's very uncomfortable and makes it hard for me to relax. I don't know if it's from coming off the xannax or from the anxiety.

I thought I was going to have a great day, a little anxious but tolerable. Then my husband wanted to see Marly and Me. I've been avoiding the movie due to the ending, but chose to go and close my eyes at the end. I was anxious throughout the whole movie and could not relax. I hid at the end but I still found myself sobbing uncontrollably (Hubby included). It relieved most of the tension I was feeling, although I still had the heart palpitations, red face and fast heart rate.

I've become obsessed with checking my pulse, I check it non stop. If I don't feel my pulse or my heat beat I freak out, if I do and it's hard and fast I freak out. I just want to be normal again.

I don't know what brought this on, it just came out of the blue. My mom thought maybe I was going into Para menopause (I'm going to be 35) and I got frightened which led to the anxiety.

01-25-2009, 03:25 AM
hi java, i'm sorry you're feeling so bad lately :(

just wondering what you've tried to help you out with the anxiety? there are lots of things that you can do, as well as talking to your doctor, to help you out :)

i just read your very first post here where you described your symptoms:

Heart racing, pounding hard
Light chest pains (Kinda like a knot tightening and releasing)
Pains on the left and right side of the breasts as well as the inner part of the breast and under it.
Chest pressure comes and goes
Pains in neck, back, shoulders, rarely legs and arms.
Weakness of legs and feeling of extreme exhaust
Tonight I had no appetite, just refused to eat although I knew I was hungry
Sometimes I wake up in a sweat (I believe it's called night sweats)
Got my first lump in throat which lasted 24 hours.

i experienced many of the same symptoms, thought i was going crazy, but eventually i discovered that it was down to low blood sugar problems which i was able to solve through diet. you may like to think about looking at your own diet if you haven't already. if you eat a lot of refined carbohydrates (things like white breads & pastas, cakes, biscuits, pizza), fast food, sugar, caffeine and alcohol these can all mess with your blood sugars leaving you feeling pretty low, exhausted and anxious and can result in symptoms like yours such as chest pains, headaches, palpitations and racing heart, sweats. a very typical symptom is waking up feeling anxious or really exhausted straight away in the morning or during the night - this is because you haven't eaten anything all night long and your blood sugars are low.

even if you don't eat very much at all this can play havoc with your blood sugars and leave you feeling just as bad as eating too much of the wrong things, your body needs fuel in the form of food to work properly and if you're not eating very much then it really puts your body under pressure.

the best way to overcome this problem is to eat foods that will burn up slowly in your body and keep your blood sugars stable for longer :)

you might like to have a look at this post where you can find further information and advice on the kinds of things you can do to help with the anxiety: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you find this a little helpful & you're feeling better soon :)

01-25-2009, 12:42 PM
Oh my goodness, your comments is like myself looking in the mirror. I graduated in October and ever since then I have been having terrible anxiety attacks. It started off with the racing heart and waking up from my sleep trembling and this is all out of the blue. Now I have heart palpitations out of the blue. I have gone to the doctor and ER multilple times. I have had an echo, 3 EKG's and been on the heart monitor for 3 hours , had my thyroid checked and all of my lab work done. The doctors are telling me it is my anxiety. Grant it I have had anxiety since I was a child but never these sort of symptoms. I just want to know when will this end? I want to feel normal? My doctor prescribed my atenolol saying that it will help with my anxiety but I am kind of scared to take it. Anybody been prescribed atenolol? :o