View Full Version : Relapse!!! Help!

01-17-2009, 08:34 PM
Can anyone give me any advice?

How can i control obsessive thoughts of really really really bad things that are going to happen to me in the near future?

I USED TO suffer with severe anxiety – for many years. Life was a mess. Somehow things changed. I saw a counsellor. Got a job. Made new friends. Travelled. Moved on.

Life has been nice for almost 4 years. Then suddenly...out of the blue...BANG.

I have been taken over by the worst anxiety ever. Thoughts I cannot control. Possible problems I cannot see a solution to - problems that dont exist now but are likely to exist in the near future which will have horrendous consequenses. I have been shaking and hyperventilating. I have been sitting still for hours on end thinking about what to do. And realising there is nothing i can do. I have scared myself by considering s****** as a possible option to avoid these unbearable consequenses.

After 4 years of peace in the space of less than a week everything has changed. Im really scared and i just want to put a halt to things. I dont want to deteriorate any further. I need to do something quick. I liked being normal and i really want to go back to that again.

I believe im having some kind of relapse and im p****ed off. I thought this was history not a life long affliction....and i dont know what to do.

01-18-2009, 03:50 AM
hello helen, it must be pretty awful for you to be feeling like this again :(

if you can, try to remember the things you did last time that made you feel better and start doing them again. if you want help with the obsessive thoughts then you might want to look into going to see your counsellor again or going to cognitive behaviour therapy?

do you have any idea what may have triggered this anxiety? are you stressed lately? have you been sick? whats your diet like? there are lots of factors to take into consideration. you might like to have a look at this thread, i wrote it to put together all the information i learned to help me through my own anxiety, you might find something helpful in it: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i hope you're feeling better soon, remember you've come through this before, so you know you're strong enough to beat it :)