View Full Version : Norepinephrine extremely high

01-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Hi! I am so thankful that I found such a forum, as its comforting to know there are others going through what I am as well.
I have been having some serious stress issues lately and I have been recently diagnosed with Norepinephrine levels over 128% higher than normal. My doctor wants to send me to an endocrinologist even though I told him I am having some severe stress in my life right now. Every day I wake up with the feeling my heart is going to explode. My job is also creating more stress for me as I do not like what I am doing and the supervision at my work is a nightmare. Its a very fast paced atmosphere to which they do not give you any time to catch up on things . I do not know what to do in the mean time to get myself to calm down and I fear I am going to have a heart attack every day. I have never had high blood pressure and for the first time in my life (I am a healthy 43 year old woman NOT overweight and have no history of High BP) I have been told my BP is higher than normal. I am not myself and this has been going on for over two months and I just can't take this feeling any longer. Should I ask my PCP to prescribe me something just to slow me down a bit until I see the Endocrinologist?. I am not sure which avenue to turn here. I can't decide if its the NE levels causing me to feel this way or the stress shooting my NE levels up...which comes first...Stress or does NE cause you to feel stress?
Sorry for rambling just not sure what to do..

Thanks sincerely :cry: