View Full Version : managing anxiety at work

01-06-2009, 06:01 PM
anyone have any tips? suggestions? or just a story to let me know that I am not alone?

I have usually been pretty good with managing my anxiety at work until just recently. I have started a new job and before that I was unemployed for a little while. This period of unemployment really did a number on me in terms of my anxiety and it has carried over and is now affecting me in this job. First off, I absolutely hate it and I am only doing it due to the economy. Secondly, they are short staffed and putting highly unreasonable demands on me already. This makes me want to run screaming but my perfectionism won't let me fail. So basically I have a been a wreck and on the verge of depression. I told my boss I was sick today to leave early because I just couldn't deal. I can't believe I did such a thing this early! My anxiety has a reached an all time high and I just can't take it anymore. So please, any help would be great.

01-08-2009, 01:41 PM
Get out of that job as soon as you possibly can! It is very difficult for anyone to work a job they hate, and it is doubly difficult for an anxious person! In the mean time, manage it the best you can, and even if you do fail, realize that life will get better and that some day you will find a job you like and at which you will excel!

01-11-2009, 07:00 PM
I wouldn't quit your job right away, since we are in a bad economy. I would try to hold out until you have some other options lined up. If you were unemployed again for an extended period after quitting this job, I doubt it would help your anxiety.

You mentioned that you are a perfectionist with work. I have a lot of perfectionist tendencies myself, so I can certainly empathize. However, this job is not your dream career. Chances are, if you don't do everything perfectly, you're not going to get fired. So cut yourself a little slack and remind yourself that this is a temporary gig to help you get by while the economy is down. If your supervisors are placing unreasonable demands on you, speak to them and maybe ask them how they would advise you to prioritize the tasks you're being given. Moderation is key in this situation. You don't have to do your absolute best in this job, since it is not what you want to do with your life. You just have to do moderately well and do a reasonable amount of work each day.

If your supervisors REALLY have unreasonable expectations of you, and WILL penalize you for not working yourself to death, then you might consider quitting. However, I would not make a decision too quickly, namely because it IS difficult to find jobs right now. Also, remember that any difficulties you have in finding work are NOT a reflection on you and your abilities right now. EVERYONE is having a tough time and you are NOT alone in that you may have to do some things you don't love to get by for awhile. It sucks, but I really believe it's going to get better and get easier. Hang in there!

01-12-2009, 07:20 AM
I totally sympothise with your current situation as I also feel my job makes my anxiety worse. The thing is whats the alternative? Sit at home miserable and broke or put up with it and use the money to give yourself a better quality of life outside work. In other words by treating yourself and having the money to do things that you really enjoy. Returning to work after a period of abscence can be quite tough anyway and will take a few weeks to settle down. I would stick it out until you find something else and use it as an opportunity to really explore what it is you want to do.

01-17-2009, 10:46 AM
My doctor wants to put me on a beta blocker for this "panic" feeling and rapid and heavy heartbeat I have every day. I had explained to him that I am experiencing some very stressful things happening in my life and I am constantly feel nervous and anxious. I am very very concerned about taking anything that affects your heart beat and though he would put me on something for "anxiety" as again I am having some issues regarding a court case and financial problems right now. He also wants me to see an endocrinologist because my norepinephrine levels are incredibly high which is causing the rapid heart beat....Please help. I am afraid to take this medication.