View Full Version : Is this from my anxiety???

01-01-2009, 11:05 PM
I'm a 17 year old male in very good physical condition. Bear with me because I do like to ramble on, but only to further inform you on my conflict.

I was overcome with the fear of having a heart problem last month because of a first-time, and random heart palpation episode which triggered obvious stress on my self and outlook on life (causing future palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, and rapid heart rate...etc). I have done some tests and have been told that everything is completely fine with my heart and health - just to avoid stressful situations as best i can and try and search for relaxation techniques.

I have been doing pretty well with dealing with these anxiety issues since assuring myself by a few doctors and fathers opinion. I started to see improvements in my symptoms, but I still have many of the same issues that are not as severe but still linger and bother me.

These are my lingering symptoms that may occur together or seperatley at different times:

-Strong Dizziness and minor headaches throughout the day (mostly during/after strenuous exercise but can be triggered by a simple walk to the bathroom as well)

-Higher than usual heart rate while doing exercise (reaching up to 180 at some points)

-a gassy feeling in my chest usually after eating - doesn't really feel like heart burn (ant-acids seem to help)

-A feeling of trouble breathing that happens throughout the day

-Minor palpitations that occur usually only once every few days

I find it hard to believe that anxiety has effected me this long even though I feel I have overcome the worst of the symptoms.

So I am just wondering if anybody can relate to these symptoms or explain why or how this is happening. and if it is significantly effected by my stress.

Thanks for your help, and i apologize for the long post lol.

01-02-2009, 03:38 AM
I would go too a doctor and get a second opion. It doesn't sound like 'Anxiety' to me. Maybe you are exercising too much?

01-02-2009, 09:08 AM
This sounds exactly like anxiety to me...although if it is worrying you you should see your gp again. If you've already had tests done then it is likely to be nothing physical. Everyone experiences the feelings that you've described...not just anxiety sufferers...everyone on Gods Green Earth!!!! Its just that you've interpreted them as being worrying that causes the anxious feeling! Try to just accept them as normal biological occurances and carry on regardless!

01-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Hey, my fiancee is an exercise science major. She told me that if your heart rate is going above 165 when exercising, than you are working out too hard and should slow down. I would look this up for confirmation, but I'm sure I heard this in other places. This just sounds like over exercise to me, combined with anxiety about your health.

01-02-2009, 01:22 PM
It certainly sounds like anxiety to me. Almost exactly the same as my symptoms. I sometimes find that my body is telling me something when these symptoms happen and I've got to stop and evaluate the reasons my body is talking to me in such a strong and frightening way. Treating the symptoms doesn't treat the cause. With me, once I determine what is making me so anxious, I start to calm down. The challenge becomes how to address and fix the things that are creating the anxiety.

Perhaps you would find it helpful just to talk through your day or week to help figure out what is causing the anxiety. You might find it lessens the symptoms too.