View Full Version : Left side pains and twinges

12-31-2008, 07:10 AM
I've been through two sets of EKG's, blood work and chest x-rays and the stress/echo test with all of the results showing me that my heart is in good shape.

Now I know that even with good test results bad things are possible but test evidence indicates they aren't likely to happen.

So my question is.......

For those of you, who like me, have all indications that your heart is in good working order do you from time to time have minor pains & twinges that seem to always occur on the left side of your body?

01-01-2009, 11:14 PM
Yeap. I get them too. From what a few doctors have said (after some tests like ekg and eco) that my heart is totally healthy and to eliminate my stress.

I sometimes get random pains in my chest, and whenever they seem to radiate near my heart area, I begin to worry (but since I'm a little used to it I don't panic)

I've now learned to clear my mind of the pain - dont worry about it unless you feel serious pains for longer than a few few minutes...

01-03-2009, 11:36 AM
pains in your chest along with anxiety can be caused by low blood sugar, i've had this problem myself and was totally freaked out by it too until i realised what it was. if you've been through every test in the book with no signs of heart problems then it's worth looking into the blood sugar thing. you can read a little bit more about it on this post : http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

hope this helps a bit :)