View Full Version : Fear of hurting someone

12-23-2008, 05:13 PM

I am dealing with fairly new anxiety issues and have posted here before and I thank everyone for all the replies I have received.

I am trying St. John's Wort and it actually seems to be helping, but it gives me a bit of a dry mouth and slight light headedness. I was taking 2 a day but decided to try to drop down to 1 a day to see if it would still help with the anxiety, and maybe lessen the side effects. But today after being down to 1 a day for about 4 days I felt the anxiety coming back and today it was quite bad. I actually felt for the first time that I may lose control and go off the deep end, and this got me thinking that I may actually hurt my wife if that was to happen when she was around. I obviously don't want to hurt anyone, but am not sure of what I may do if I do "lose control" Can someone that has been in this situation tell me what I can do to ease these thoughts? I don't want to scare her by telling her I feel I may hurt her, but I don't want to keep it from her either. I am in a very bad place right now and not sure what to do. May be it is time to try some medication, but I really didn't want to get to that point either. Any suggestions?

12-23-2008, 08:59 PM
What you are experiencing here are obsessive thoughts. These are EXTREMELY common with anxiety disorders, and can cover a rangeof topics, all unpleasant. But fear of hurting other people seems to be right up at the top of the list. Keep in mind that anxiety sufferers virtually never make good on these thoughts, but they CAN be distressing. What you need to do is learn to accept having these thoughts while learning not to eract to these thoughts with fear. By doing this, they will take on less significance in your mind, and will abate with time. But be prepared to live with them for a while, as they will not go away overnight (think weeks to months here).

01-03-2009, 07:16 AM

I too feel that way when I get very anxious or stressed.

In particular if my wife starts an argument I find my blood boiling and feeling very agressive and want to take physical action, the same applies if someone at work or on the street is being an a&%hole.

BUT deep down i know i am better than physically hitting out, i remind myself of the consequences of that one stupid moment of madness & I also remind myself of the shame i would feel. In that one moment you loose everything.

I just remove myself from the situation, walk away take a few breaths.

My best advice would be get some professional help asap and talk through everything with them. If you really think you may do something silly it would be best to leave rather than stay and do something you will regret.

I personaly would never tell my wife as I would hate her to be really scared of me, & that would be something that could take a long time to repair even after you get your head straight. BUT in saying this I am also 100% certain I wouldnt get physical. I am a big guy and she is already a little weary when I get mad & yell. (Strangley enough doesnt stop her from provoking the sleeping bear but I think thats just a wife thing??)

I hope you sought this issue out asap, its not a nice feeling getting that angry you want to hit out. but its also easier to control if you remind yourself of the consequences.